Current Events Online Guided tour with the curators Tue 20.04.202119:00-20:00Land for Us AllThe earth's surface is a finite resource, and soil is our most precious commodity. Careless or capital-driven treatment of this… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Guided tour of the exhibition Thu 08.04.202119:00-20:00Land for Us AllThe earth's surface is a finite resource, and soil is our most precious commodity. Careless or capital-driven treatment of this… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Online Guided tour with the curators Tue 16.03.202119:00-20:00Land for Us AllThe earth's surface is a finite resource, and soil is our most precious commodity. Careless or capital-driven treatment of this… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Guided tour of the exhibition Thu 04.03.202119:00-20:00Land for Us AllThe earth's surface is a finite resource, and soil is our most precious commodity. Careless or capital-driven treatment of this… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Online Guided tour with the curators Tue 23.02.202119:00-20:00Land for Us AllThe earth's surface is a finite resource, and soil is our most precious commodity. Careless or capital-driven treatment of this… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Guided tour of the exhibition Thu 04.02.202119:00-20:00Land for Us AllThe earth's surface is a finite resource, and soil is our most precious commodity. Careless or capital-driven treatment of this… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Workshop (6–10) cancelled Tue 02.02.202110:00-12:00 or 13:00-15:00The Climate Friendly CitySemesterferienspielWhat do towns and cities need to keep up with climate change and protect us from extreme heat, for example?… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Workshop (6–10) cancelled Mon 01.02.202110:00-12:00 or 13:00-15:00The Climate Friendly CitySemesterferienspielWhat do towns and cities need to keep up with climate change and protect us from extreme heat, for example?… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Guided tour in dialogue Tue 26.01.202117:30-18:30Land for Us AllLand Policy and Radical Democracy: Gabu HeindlThe architect Gabu Heindl takes a radical democratic approach to architecture and urban planning, and promotes the sustainable use of… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Online Guided tour with the curators Tue 19.01.202119:00-20:00Land for Us AllThe earth's surface is a finite resource, and soil is our most precious commodity. Careless or capital-driven treatment of this… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Guided tour in dialogue Tue 12.01.202117:30-18:30Land for Us AllSoil quality: and Grand FarmSoil quality: and Grand Farm, two award-winning projects by the Az W with Ö1 in the series 'Reparatur der Zukunft'… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Guided tour of the exhibition Thu 07.01.202119:00-20:00Land for Us AllThe earth's surface is a finite resource, and soil is our most precious commodity. Careless or capital-driven treatment of this… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Workshop (6–10) CANCELLED! cancelled Tue 05.01.202110:00-12:00 oder 13:00-15:00Lego LandscapeWinterferienspielSoil is our most precious commodity and yet it is often thoughtlessly concreted over with roads and car parks. This… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Workshop (6–10) CANCELLED! cancelled Mon 04.01.202110:00-12:00 oder 13:00-15:00Lego LandscapeWinterferienspielSoil is our most precious commodity and yet it is often thoughtlessly concreted over with roads and car parks. This… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Call for Films: Architektur.Film.Sommer 2021 Thu 17.12.2020 – Sun 28.02.2021Earth without Land — what will we build on tomorrow?Deadline Submission: 28. Februar 2021This is an open call for documentaries, short films, experimental films and animations on the topic of land and land… CANCELED! cancelled Sat 12.12.202015:00-17:00Archikids: Above, Underneath and With the SoilWorkshop (6–99)Land is a valuable resource, we live on and from it. How do we handle this resource? What is it… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Opening day Wed 09.12.2020Land for Us AllThe earth's surface is a finite resource, and soil is our most precious commodity. Careless or capital-driven treatment of this… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Talk Show Wed 02.12.2020Online event starts at 19:00Club ArchitekturGrowth or Restraint?Economic growth as an ideal to be pursued, previously sacrosanct, is coming under increasing criticism. Should we exercise restraint, and… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium CANCELED! Sat 14.11.2020CANCELEDArchikids: Pop-up CityWorkshop (6–99)Folding techniques can be used to make walls disappear and, in the meantime, even whole buildings can be folded up… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium CANCELED! Wed 11.11.2020CANCELEDGunther WawrikWe Need More Fiction!Gunther Wawrik's fictive urban development Bergstadt challenges us to change how we look at the environment. Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Event Mon 26.10.202010:00-19:00Open Door Day at the Az WAdmission free all dayAs guests of the Architekturzentrum Wien Architecture Lounge, on this year’s Austrian National Holiday admission is free once again for… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien Panel discussion Booked up Wed 21.10.202019:00-21:00SP.A.S.S. – An Evening with Günther FeuersteinHappeningGünther Feuerstein shook the architecture sector in Austria awake after 1945. At last and only recently, the architect and architecture… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Excursion cancelled Fri 16.10.202013:00-19:00A Country Excursion on the 100th Birthday of Johannes SpaltWittmann House in Etsdorf am Kamp (1969-1975), designed by Johannes Spalt, opens its doors: Companions, family members and the owners… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien – Shop Symposium Booked up Wed 14.10.202010:00-20:00We are NeighbourhoodUrban Development in the Climate CrisisThe symposium assembles international experts from the realms of architecture, planning, civil society, administration and politics. There are lessons to… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Workshop (6–99) Booked up Sat 10.10.202015:00-17:00Archikids: Green FaçadesGreen façades are fascinating quick-change artists, and since last summer, at the latest, they have become a hot topic. They… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Guided tour of the exhibition Thu 08.10.202017:30-18:30Europe's best BuildingsThe European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture. Mies van der Rohe Award 2019Every two years, the exhibition "Europe's Best Buildings" focuses on outstanding architectural projects from Europe and has thus become a… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Lecture & Response Booked up Wed 07.10.202019:00-21:00Verena von BeckerathIBA_Wien meets Architects #10This Autumn the IBA_Vienna Meets Architects series focuses on the life cycles of architecture and urban space, the subsequent use… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Guided tour of the exhibition Tue 06.10.202017:30-18:30Europe's best BuildingsThe European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture. Mies van der Rohe Award 2019Every two years, the exhibition "Europe's Best Buildings" focuses on outstanding architectural projects from Europe and has thus become a… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Event Sat 03.10.202010:00-19:00ORF MuseumszeitThe Az W participates in the initiative "ORF Museumszeit" as part of the Long Night of Museums with free admission… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien Excursion Booked up Fri 02.10.202014:00-17:00Communal OasesShut in apartments without outdoor space, standing by the gates of closed parks, only car-owners reaching green space near to… Location: Künstlergasse 16, 1150 wien Excursion Fri 25.09.202014:00-16:30On The Move: Around HeldenplatzAgainst the background of the Corona crisis, the Az W focus on Bread & Roses asks what we need for a… Location: Volksgarten Wien Guided tour of the exhibition Tue 22.09.202017:30-18:30Europe's best BuildingsThe European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture. Mies van der Rohe Award 2019Every two years, the exhibition "Europe's Best Buildings" focuses on outstanding architectural projects from Europe and has thus become a… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Panel discussion Booked up Thu 17.09.202019:00-21:00Where is Building Culture Policy in Vienna Headed?What will be the significance of architecture and urban development in Vienna over the next five years? This will also… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Lecture & Response Booked up Wed 16.09.202019:00-21:00Lacaton & Vassal ArchitectesIBA_Wien meets Architects #9"Never demolish, never remove or replace, always add, transform and reuse". With this credo Lacaton & Vassal have spent decades… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Workshop (6–99) Sat 12.09.202015:00-17:00Archikids: Urban HeatThe heat in the cities is becoming increasingly problematic. Our guests, the urban climatologists from Weatherpark, explain to us what… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Postponement Sat 12.09.2020Event postponed!A Tribute to Dietmar Steiner – Part 2Due to cancellations caused by Covid-19 we are forced to postpone the second part of our series of events in… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Online-Event Fri 11.09.202019:00-21:00A Tribute to Dietmar Steiner – Part 1In memory of the founder and director for many years of the Architekturzentrum Wien (1993–2016), who died in May, we… Excursion Booked up Fri 11.09.202014:00-18:00Learning by PlayingEducational Landscapes in Aspern and BerresgasseThe long-standing knowledge that children (and adults) learn best when they are able to engage in physical activity, non-hierarchical communication… Location: Maria Trapp Platz 5, 1220 Wien Guided tour with jury members Booked up Tue 08.09.202017:30-18:30Europe's best BuildingsThe European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture. Mies van der Rohe Award 2019Every two years, the exhibition "Europe's Best Buildings" focuses on outstanding architectural projects from Europe and has thus become a… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Excursion Thu 03.09.2020 – Sun 06.09.2020Vorarlberg – An intergenerational DialogueA four day excursion takes us to the buildings from the Az W's exhibition of the same title, bringing us into… Location: Vorarlberg Panel discussion Booked up Wed 02.09.202019:00-21:00Viennese Modernism — and the Moral of the Story?To accompany 'Adolf Loos — Afterlife'. Collection with a View #6Art and morality is always a subject of heated debate, whether in the context of child abuse and Adolf Loos… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Architektur.Film.Sommer 2020 Booked up Wed 26.08.202020:30At Home TogetherFilm Nights in the Az W courtyardWhat It Takes to Make a Home, CDN 2019, 29:00 min, original version with English subtitles, R: Daniel Schwartz What… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - in the courtyard Architektur.Film.Sommer 2020 Booked up Wed 19.08.202020:30Locked In — Locked OutFilm Nights in the Az W courtyardKaputt – Broken, DE 2016, 7:00 min, original version with English subtitles, R: Alexander Lahl, Volker Schlecht In this animadoc,… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - in the courtyard Guided tour with jury members Booked up Tue 18.08.202017:30-18:30Europe's best BuildingsThe European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture. Mies van der Rohe Award 2019Every two years, the exhibition "Europe's Best Buildings" focuses on outstanding architectural projects from Europe and has thus become a… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Architektur.Film.Sommer 2020 Booked up Wed 12.08.202020:30Counter GeographiesFilm Nights in the Az W courtyardThe Black Museum, D/US 2018, 52:00 min, original version with English subtitles, R: Oliver Hardt It was called for, planned,… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - in the courtyard Architektur.Film.Sommer 2020 Booked up Tue 11.08.202020:30New Beginnings and BreakthroughsFilm Nights in the Az W courtyardCiudad Grande (Big City), MEX 2017, 31:24 min, original version with English subtitles, R: Ana Álvarez, Tuline Gülgönen The film… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - in the courtyard Guided tour of the exhibition Booked up Tue 11.08.202017:30-18:30Europe's best BuildingsThe European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture. Mies van der Rohe Award 2019Every two years, the exhibition "Europe's Best Buildings" focuses on outstanding architectural projects from Europe and has thus become a… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Screening Wed 05., 12., 19. and 20:30Architektur.Film.Sommer 2020The eighth edition of the international open air architecture film festival is dedicated to the subject of Built Justice, with… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - in the courtyard Opening day Wed 29.07.202014:00-20:00Europe's best BuildingsThe European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture. Mies van der Rohe Award 2019Every two years, the exhibition "Europe's Best Buildings" focuses on outstanding architectural projects from Europe and has thus become a… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Special Focus: Bread & Roses Wed 22.07.202018:00-19:30Nature and City: The End of a ContradictionOnline Discussion*The Az W focus on Bread & Roses takes as its background the corona crisis to pose the question: What do… Special Focus: Bread & Roses Wed 08.07.202018:00-19:30Communal Living in Times of Social DistancingOnline Discussion*The Az W focus on 'Bread & Roses' takes as its background the corona crisis to pose the question: What do… Guided tour of the exhibition Booked up Tue 16.06.202017:30–18:30, Registration required due to limited number of participants!Balkrishna DoshiArchitecture for the PeopleThe Indian architect, urbanist and teacher Balkrishna Doshi is among the key proponents of an Indian modernity although he has… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Guided tour of the exhibition Booked up Tue 09.06.202017:30–18:30, Registration required due to limited number of participants!Balkrishna DoshiArchitecture for the PeopleThe Indian architect, urbanist and teacher Balkrishna Doshi is among the key proponents of an Indian modernity although he has… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Balkrishna Doshi Tue 21.04.202017:30-18:30Guided tour in dialogue CANCELLEDArchitecture for the PeopleNita Tandon is an artist and a member of the TransArt management team at the University of Applied Arts Vienna,… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Archikids: Blackout Sat 18.04.202015:00-17:00Workshop (6–99) CANCELLEDWhat happens in the city when there's a blackout and so no electricity? What still works? Which places have emergency… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Growing Houses Tue 07.04.202010:00-12:00 or 13:00-15:00Workshop (6–10) CANCELLEDOsterferienspielThe Indian architect Balkrishna Doshi engages, among other things, with buildings that can adapt to the needs of their occupants.… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Growing Houses Mon 06.04.202010:00-12:00 or 13:00-15:00Workshop (6–10) CANCELLEDOsterferienspielThe Indian architect Balkrishna Doshi engages, among other things, with buildings that can adapt to the needs of their occupants.… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Balkrishna Doshi Sat 28.03.202017:30-18:30Guided tour with the curator CANCELLEDArchitecture for the PeopleThe Indian architect, urbanist and teacher Balkrishna Doshi is among the key proponents of an Indian modernity although he has… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Balkrishna Doshi cancelled Wed 25.03.202019:00-22:00Opening CANCELLEDArchitecture for the PeopleThe Indian architect, urbanist and teacher Balkrishna Doshi is among the key proponents of an Indian modernity although he has… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Archikids: Green instead of Grey cancelled Sat 14.03.202015:00-17:00Workshop CANCELLEDFaçades with greenery can change with fascinating rapidity, and since last summer at the latest, they are a hot topic:… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Environmental Issues in the Cityscape cancelled Fri 13.03.202014:00-17:00Excursion CANCELLEDIn autumn 2019 the Az W launched a series with a focus on current educational buildings. This time the excursion leads… Zukunft Stadt Positionen cancelled Wed 11.03.202019:00-21:30EVENT CANCELLEDThe Affordable City — the political dimensionTo all those who have already been looking forward to an exciting evening with good discussions about the future of… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Excursion Fri 28.02.202014:15-17:15The Revitalisation of a Historic BuildingOnce part of the fortifications and the bottleneck of urban supply lines, the Kasematten is a part of Wiener Neustadt's… Older Entries Newer Entries