Current Events Presentation Wed 14.12.201119:00-21:00Az W Book Salon: Reading from ExperienceTo filter out what is worth reading and giving as presents from the abundance of current architecture books that we… Guided Tour Wed 14.12.201118:00-23:59Guided Tour Glenn Murcutt 14.12.regular guided tours to accompany the exhibition on Wednesdays: 16.11.2011 / 14.12.2011 / 11.01.2012 / 08.02.2012, at 6pmtour guide: Alexander… Az W by Moonlight Mon 12.12.2011Daily 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM, Wednesdays until 09:00 PMAlles Gute. A Walk 2011Stop & Go through the 7th District Mon 12.12.2011 The now traditional Alles Gute walk through the 7th District provides… Workshop Sat 10.12.201115:00-23:59Archikids: Build Me an Exhibition!Workshops for the whole family! ages 6+What is important when you plan an exhibition? How do you display the exponents in different ways, and how do… sundays Booked up Sat 10.12.201111:30-17:00sundays 256 on a saturday: theophil von hansenTo mark the 120th year since the death of Theophil von Hansen, sonntags undertakes closer inspection of a selection of… Symposium Wed 30.11.201119:00-21:00urbanRESETa cooperation by the faculty for urban development at Vienna University of Technology with the Az WIn recent decades an analysis of the architectural heritage of the industrial era has increasingly become a task for planners:… Lecture Fri 18.11.201119:00-21:00Peter Stutchbury. Tracing Pathwayswork presentationa cooperation by Vienna Art Week with the Az W An equal relationship between economic building, creativity and adaptation to… Accompanying Programme Fri 18.11.201114:00-18:15Studio VisitsStudio Visits and a guided tour of the exhibition 'Glenn Murcutt. architecture for place'2pm meeting at the Az W shop in the MQ, 1 Museumsplatz, 1070 Vienna 2.15pm shuttle departs 2.30pm–3.30pm Studio Visit… Guided Tour Wed 16.11.2011Daily 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM, Wednesdays until 09:00 PMGuided Tour Glenn Murcutt Germanregular guided tours to accompany the exhibition on Wednesdays: 16.11.2011 / 14.12.2011 / 11.01.2012 / 08.02.2012, at 6pm sundays Booked up Sun 13.11.2011 – Sat 26.11.2011sundays 250: brazilian architecturehighlights connected with oscar niemeyerRegistration (deadline March 28, 2011) and information: office@azw.atDetails: please refer to Download 'sundays 250 programme (504 KB, in German)'In 2010… Workshop Booked up Sat 12.11.201115:00-23:59Concocting Spaceworkshops for the whole family! ages 6+The kitchen was and still is housing for the soul. Usually the warmest room in the house, it serves not… sundays Sun 06.11.201112:00-16:00sundays 255: vienna foraysIn his book 'Wiener Streifzüge' (Forays into Vienna) Gerhard Rihl shows photographs of special buildings and locations in Vienna whose… Workshop Booked up Sat 05.11.201115:00-23:59ARCHIKIDS: Building for Childrenworkshops for the whole family! ages 6+ARCHIKIDS — ask at the Az W(in German)How do we move through the labyrinth of streets and alleys in a… Day of the Open Door Wed 26.10.201110:00-19:00OPEN HOUSE at the Az Wfun and games for all the familyprogramme for kids (ages 4 to 12) 2–5pm: The whole afternoon is dedicated to wild experimentation and building at the… Day of the Open Door Wed 26.10.201110:00-19:00OPEN HOUSE: Exponents Give-AwayOver 2000 objects were amassed for the exhibition 'Alexander Brodsky. It still amazes me that I became an architect'. Staff… sundays Sun 23.10.201112:45-18:00sundays 254: innovative housing 10Viennese housing has a history and a tradition that is by no means purely in the past but which continues… Symposium Fri 14.10.2011 – Sat 15.10.2011Richard Buckminster Fuller's World Game LabA cooperation between the RBF-I Austria with the Austrian Frederick and Lillian Kiesler Private Foundation and the Architekturzentrum Wien.(in German) register for the workshops exclusively at: http://worldgamelab.eventbrite.comfurther details: Richard Buckminster Fuller (1895–1983) was a visionary whose utopias… sundays Sun 09.10.201113:45-17:30sundays 253: designsafari 7For the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK 2011's focus on the 2nd District of Vienna, the sonntags design safari visits two studios… Workshop Booked up Sat 08.10.201115:00-23:59Archikids: Building for Childrenworkshops for the whole family! ages 6+ARCHIKIDS — ask at the Az W in GermanHow do we move through the labyrinth of streets and alleys in… Az W by Moonlight Sat 01.10.201118:00-23:59Long Night of the Museums at the Az WThe Az W is participating once more in the Long Night of the Museums, a nationwide museum event organised by… sundays Booked up Sun 25.09.201110:15-19:00sundays 252: home looks like this 17_in Lower AustriaFor the 17th time clients are opening the doors to their private refuges, and showing knowledge-thirsty sonntagers what the architecture… Lecture Wed 21.09.201119:00-21:00Alexander Brodsky. Art WorksThe lecture is in English. 7pm Andrea Seidling, editor of & concept for 'Hintergrund' 50/51: introduction7.15pm Alexander Brodsky, architect: lecture… Summer Tour Sat 17.09.201115:50-18:00Summer Tour 2: Dawn of Modernism – 17 Sep.Wagner, Loos and Their Timein GermanFrom May to September the Architekturzentrum Wien offers 10 Vienna City Walks to architecture of the last 100 years.The… Lecture Wed 14.09.201118:15-23:59a_showcase 17: Josef Lackner_House Callsin Germanguests: Monika Abendstein, Peter Hellebart, Christof Lackner moderated by Monika Platzer, Az WTo coincide with the exhibition 'Josef Lackner_Habitable… Workshop Sat 10.09.201115:00-23:59Archikids: The Labyrinthine Cityworkshop for the whole family! for ages 6+ARCHIKIDS — ask at the Az Wworkshops for the whole family, ages 6+in German How do we move through the… sundays Sat 10.09.201109:45-19:30sundays 251 on a saturday: pannonia specialArt and culture between fine wineries interspersed with single-family houses of exceptional quality characterise the unique flair of Burgenland, between… Panel Discussion Wed 07.09.201119:00-21:00The MuseumsQuartier. Retrospective and Perspectives of a Decadepresentation and discussionin GermanNo other architectural brief has been more decisively caught in the crossfire between political and media interest. This cultural… Summer Tour Fri 02.09.201117:20-19:30Summer Tour 1: Architecture & Design – 02. Sep.Adolf Loos to Jean Nouvelin GermanFrom May to September the Architekturzentrum Wien offers 10 Vienna City Walks to architecture of the last 100 years.This… Workshop Booked up Mon 22.08.2011 – Tue 23.08.2011Floating Houses 22.+23.08.for ages 6+ as part of the Wiener Ferienspieltwo-day workshop, in all cases from 10am – 2pmPlease bring a packed lunch! Have you ever thought about living on… Summer Tour Sat 20.08.201115:50-18:00Summer Tour 2: Dawn of Modernism – 20 Aug.Wagner, Loos and Their Timein GermanFrom May to September the Architekturzentrum Wien offers 10 Vienna City Walks to architecture of the last 100 years.The… Guided Tour Wed 17.08.2011Daily 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM, Wednesdays until 09:00 PMGuided Tour: Alexander Brodsky GermanGuided tour to accompany the exhibition 'Alexander Brodsky. It still amazes me that I became an architect'.Further dates: 06.07… Workshop Booked up Tue 16.08.2011 – Wed 17.08.2011Floating Houses 16.+17.08.for ages 6+ as part of the Wiener Ferienspieltwo-day workshop, in all cases from 10am – 2pmPlease bring a packed lunch! Have you ever thought about living on… Workshop Booked up Thu 11.08.2011 – Fri 12.08.2011Floating Houses 11.+12.08.for ages 6+ as part of the Wiener Ferienspieltwo-day workshop, in all cases from 10am – 2pmPlease bring a packed lunch! Have you ever thought about living on… Workshop Booked up Mon 08.08.2011 – Tue 09.08.2011Floating Houses 08.+09.08.for ages 6+ as part of the Wiener Ferienspieltwo-day workshop, in all cases from 10am – 2pmPlease bring a packed lunch! Have you ever thought about living on… Summer Tour Fri 05.08.201117:20-19:30Summer Tour 1: Architecture & Design – 05 GermanFrom May to September the Architekturzentrum Wien offers 10 Vienna City Walks to architecture of the last 100 years.This… Workshop Booked up Thu 04.08.2011 – Fri 05.08.2011Floating Houses 04.+05.08.for ages 6+ as part of the Wiener Ferienspieltwo-day workshop, in all cases from 10am – 2pmPlease bring a packed lunch! Have you ever thought about living on… Guided Tour Wed 03.08.2011Daily 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM, Wednesdays until 09:00 PMGuided Tour: Alexander Brodsky GermanGuided tour to accompany the exhibition 'Alexander Brodsky. It still amazes me that I became an architect'.Further dates: 06.07… Workshop Booked up Mon 01.08.2011 – Tue 02.08.2011Floating Houses 01.+02.08.for ages 6+ as part of the Wiener Ferienspieltwo-day workshop, in all cases from 10am – 2pmPlease bring a packed lunch! Have you ever thought about living on… Summer Tour Sat 23.07.201115:50-18:00Summer Tour 2: Dawn of Modernism – 23 JulyWagner, Loos and Their Timein GermanFrom May to September the Architekturzentrum Wien offers 10 Vienna City Walks to architecture of the last 100 years.The… Guided Tour Wed 20.07.2011Daily 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM, Wednesdays until 09:00 PMGuided Tour: Alexander Brodsky GermanGuided tour to accompany the exhibition 'Alexander Brodsky. It still amazes me that I became an architect'.Further dates: 06.07… Summer Tour Fri 08.07.201117:20-19:30Summer Tour 1: Architecture & Design – 08 JulyAdolf Loos to Jean Nouvelin GermanFrom May to September the Architekturzentrum Wien offers 10 Vienna City Walks to architecture of the last 100 years.This… Lecture Wed 06.07.201119:00-21:00Tools — Talk 3How to make a community as well as the space for itA cooperation by Soho in Ottakring with the Az W A new approach to architecture and urban planning cannot be… Guided Tour Wed 06.07.2011Daily 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM, Wednesdays until 09:00 PMGuided Tour: Alexander Brodsky GermanGuided tour to accompany the exhibition 'Alexander Brodsky. It still amazes me that I became an architect'.Further dates: 06.07… Workshop Mon 04.07.2011 – Thu 07.07.2011Az W LEGO Cityfor ages 6+ as part of the Wiener Ferienspieldates: Mon 04.07. Tue 05.07. Wed 06.07. Thu 07.07. 10am-12pmTogether we look at the history of the city and its… Workshop Sun 03.07.201111:00-17:00LEGO Summer Opening Eventat the Az W (whatever the weather!)On the first Sunday of the vacation period we are launching the Az W LEGO building event! Architects big and… Summer Tour Sat 25.06.201115:50-18:00Summer Tour 2: Dawn of Modernism – 25 JuneWagner, Loos and Their Timein GermanFrom May to September the Architekturzentrum Wien offers 10 Vienna City Walks to architecture of the last 100 years.The… sundays Booked up Sun 19.06.201113:45-18:00sundays 249: this is what it looks like from above 5Rich in intelligent details and interesting spatial arrangements, three new loft conversions not only provide new perspectives on Vienna, with… Workshop Sat 18.06.201115:00-17:00Archikids: Plant Your House!workshop for the whole family! for ages 6+How can the city become more green? This is the question that the architect Sascha Haas posed himself, and made… Lecture Wed 15.06.201119:00-21:00Az W Classics: Hans Puchhammer: Marginal NotesDietmar Steiner, director of the Az W: welcome addressKlaus Semsroth, dean of the Faculty of Architecture & Planning, TU Wien:… Summer Tour Fri 10.06.201117:20-19:30Summer Tour 1: Architecture & Design – 10 JuneAdolf Loos to Jean Nouvelin GermanFrom May to September the Architekturzentrum Wien offers 10 Vienna City Walks to architecture of the last 100 years.This… Older Entries Newer Entries