Current Events Lecture Wed 20.11.201319:00-21:00What’s up? Young Architecture from Brazil and AustriaLectures and panel discussionA cooperation by the Brazilian Embassy in Vienna with the Az W in the framework of the Vienna Art WeekIn… Panel Discussion Wed 13.11.201319:00-21:0025 Years of the DonauinselLecture and panel discussionThe 25th anniversary of the Donauinsel (Danube Island), which has turned out to be a Viennese success story, offers a… Workshop Booked up Sat 09.11.201315:00-23:59Archikids: The Spaceship Has Landed. The new WUask the Az W! Ages 6+Architects from throughout the world have designed the new Business University in the Prater and in the course of doing… Panel Discussion Wed 30.10.201319:00-21:00a_showcase 22: Taking a Critical View of the PresentDiscussion on the opening of the updated Present in 'a_show'in GermanContemporary projects comprise one of the fixed elements in the permanent exhibition 'a_show'; a_showcase 22 presents the entirely renewed… Panel Discussion Tue 29.10.201319:00-21:00Az W Akut: Ring-ZoneA cooperation by the ÖGFA with the Az WWhen Henri Lefebvre called for ‘le droit à la ville’ in 1968 it was clear what he was talking about:… Day of the Open Door Sat 26.10.201310:00-19:00OPEN HOUSE at the Az WAdmission free, all day long!As guests of the Architekturzentrum Wien Architecture Lounge, on 26 October admission is free again this year for everybody interested… Workshop Booked up Sat 12.10.201315:00-23:59Archikids: Let's Reclaim the Road!ask the Az W! Ages 6+in GermanDo the roads in our city only belong to the traffic? Does a road really always have to be… Lecture Wed 09.10.201319:00-21:00Bjarke Ingels Group: Kai-Uwe BergmannA cooperation by the Danish Embassy in Vienna with the Az W to mark the Theophil Hansen anniversary year Welcome… Panel Discussion Mon 07.10.201319:00-21:00Future HousingThe Future of Urban HousingAn event for the urbanize! Festival 2013, in cooperation with the Az W Brief lectures and discussion: Michael Klein, architecture… Az W by Moonlight Sat 05.10.201318:00-23:59Long Night of the Museums at the Az W 2013The Az W is participating once again in the nationwide event for museums organised by the ORF, the Long Night… Summer Tour Booked up Fri 27.09.201315:50-18:00Summer Tour 1: New Architecture 27.09.New projects large and small along the U2Vienna is constantly changing. This guided tour shows the original controversial concert hall for the Vienna Boys' Choir and leads… Panel Discussion Wed 25.09.201319:00-21:00Ready for occupancy 2013New Social Housing Projects in Viennain German Oase 22 studio uek architektur / Ewald Kirschner, GesibaPaN Wohnpark Werner Neuwirth / Karl-Heinz Stadler, Neues Leben… Summer Tour Sat 14.09.201315:50-18:00Summer Tour 2: The Danube Canal 14.09.Town on the waterStarting at Otto Wagner's Postal Savings Bank (Postsparkasse), this guided tour leads along the Danube Canal, which is lively in… Workshop Sat 14.09.201315:00-23:59Archikids: Bus Stops?!ask the Az W! Ages 6+in GermanWe all wait for a bus sometime or another. Most bus stops, however, are neither fun nor comfortable, and… Party Fri 06.09.201319:00-21:0020 Jahre Architekturzentrum Wien sind nicht genug!Az W Podium, Alte Halle und HofWe have 20 years of groundwork with a dense and varied programme behind us, with familiar and previously unpublicised narratives… Summer Tour Fri 30.08.201315:50-18:00Summer Tour 1: New Architecture 30.08.New projects large and small along the U2Vienna is constantly changing. This guided tour shows the original controversial concert hall for the Vienna Boys' Choir and leads… Workshop Booked up Mon 26.08.2013 – Tue 27.08.2013Bridging the Gap 26.+27.8.In the framework of the Wiener Ferienspiel (from the age of 6)Arch bridges, chain bridges, suspension bridges, hanging bridges, cable stayed bridges, pontoons or human chains – the children found out… Presentation Sat 24.08.201320:30-23:59movies in wonderland "Reviewing Urbanity“ Ekümenopolis/City without Limitsin cooperation with frame[o]ut and MQAs they did last summer, movies in wonderland is highlighting topics of relevance to architecture and urbanism and putting these… Presentation Fri 23.08.201320:30-23:59movies in wonderland "Reviewing Urbanity“ The Sea in Mein cooperation with frame[o]ut and MQAs they did last summer, movies in wonderland is highlighting topics of relevance to architecture and urbanism and putting these… Workshop Booked up Thu 22.08.2013 – Fri 23.08.2013Bridging the Gap 22.+23.8.In the framework of the Wiener Ferienspiel (from the age of 6)Arch bridges, chain bridges, suspension bridges, hanging bridges, cable stayed bridges, pontoons or human chains – the children found out… Presentation Wed 21.08.201320:30-23:59movies in wonderland "Reviewing Urbanity“ Behind the Iron Gatein cooperation with frame[o]ut and MQAs they did last summer, movies in wonderland is highlighting topics of relevance to architecture and urbanism and putting these… Accompanying Programme cancelled Mon 19.08.2013Daily 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM, Wednesdays until 09:00 PMCANCELLED: Blind date 19.08.Since 2011 wonderland has been creating a network for planners from all over Europe to promote exchange between different architectural… Workshop Mon 19.08.2013 – Thu 22.08.2013Project space – “Coffin Factory” 19.08.-22.08.Project Space is an international competition that gives young European teams an opportunity to submit ideas for a specific situation… Workshop Booked up Mon 19.08.2013 – Tue 20.08.2013Bridging the Gap 19.+20.8.In the framework of the Wiener Ferienspiel (from the age of 6)Arch bridges, chain bridges, suspension bridges, hanging bridges, cable stayed bridges, pontoons or human chains – the children found out… Workshop Sun 18.08.201313:00-17:00wonderland for children – „bespielbare Stadt“ 18.08.ages 6+What is important for you in the city? What might a child-friendly city look like? How should the spaces in… Workshop Sat 17.08.201313:00-17:00wonderland for children — ‘Playable City’ 17.08.ages 6+What is important for you in the city? What might a child-friendly city look like? How should the spaces in… Presentation Fri 16.08.201320:30-23:59movies in wonderland „Reviewing Urbanity“ The Pruitt Igoe Mythin cooperation with frame[o]ut and MQAs they did last summer, movies in wonderland is highlighting topics of relevance to architecture and urbanism and putting these… Presentation Wed 14.08.201320:30-23:59movies in wonderland "Reviewing Urbanity“ Torre David / Unfinished Italyin cooperation with frame[o]ut and MQAs they did last summer, movies in wonderland is highlighting topics of relevance to architecture and urbanism and putting these… Presentation Wed 14.08.2013Daily 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM, Wednesdays until 09:00 PMFinal Presentation Project Space Rethinking FelberstrasseThe final presentation of the workshop results "Rethinking Felberstrasse" will take place in the Alte Halle of Architekturzentrum Wien on… Accompanying Programme Tue 13.08.2013Daily 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM, Wednesdays until 09:00 PMBlind date 13.08.Since 2011 wonderland has been creating a network for planners from all over Europe to promote exchange between different architectural… Workshop Booked up Mon 12.08.2013 – Tue 13.08.2013Bridging the Gap 12.+13.8.In the framework of the Wiener Ferienspiel (from the age of 6)Arch bridges, chain bridges, suspension bridges, hanging bridges, cable stayed bridges, pontoons or human chains – the children found out… Summer Tour Sat 10.08.201315:50-18:00Summer Tour 2: The Danube Canal 10.08.Town on the waterStarting at Otto Wagner's Postal Savings Bank (Postsparkasse), this guided tour leads along the Danube Canal, which is lively in… Presentation Fri 09.08.201320:30-23:59movies in wonderland "Reviewing Urbanity“ Leben in der Sargfabrikin cooperation with frame[o]ut and MQAs they did last summer, movies in wonderland is highlighting topics of relevance to architecture and urbanism and putting these… Accompanying Programme Thu 08.08.2013Daily 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM, Wednesdays until 09:00 PMBlind date 08.08.Since 2011 wonderland has been creating a network for planners from all over Europe to promote exchange between different architectural… Workshop Thu 08.08.2013 – Thu 15.08.2013Project space – "Rethinking Felberstrasse" 08.08.-15.08.Project Space is an international competition that gives young European teams an opportunity to submit ideas for a specific situation… Workshop Booked up Thu 08.08.2013 – Fri 09.08.2013Bridging the Gap 8.+9.8.In the framework of the Wiener Ferienspiel (from the age of 6)Arch bridges, chain bridges, suspension bridges, hanging bridges, cable stayed bridges, pontoons or human chains – the children found out… Presentation Wed 07.08.201320:30-23:59movies in wonderland "Reviewing Urbanity“ Opening night wonderlab: Tlatelolcoin cooperation with frame[o]ut and MQAs they did last summer, movies in wonderland is highlighting topics of relevance to architecture and urbanism and putting these… Workshop Booked up Mon 05.08.2013 – Tue 06.08.2013Bridging the Gap 5.+6.8.In the framework of the Wiener Ferienspiel (from the age of 6)Arch bridges, chain bridges, suspension bridges, hanging bridges, cable stayed bridges, pontoons or human chains – the children found out… Workshop Sun 04.08.201313:00-17:00wonderland for children — ‘Playable City’ 04.08.ages 6+What is important for you in the city? What might a child-friendly city look like? How should the spaces in… Workshop Sat 03.08.201313:00-17:00wonderland for children — ‘Playable City’ 03.08.ages 6+What is important for you in the city? What might a child-friendly city look like? How should the spaces in… Workshop Mon 29.07.2013 – Fri 02.08.2013The adventure of the city – the city as a stageIn the framework of summer with the Kinderfreunde, holiday programme 2013 (from the age of 6)Mon, 29.07. to Fri, 02.08.2013 daily 8am-5pmTogether we undertake a voyage of discovery through Vienna, exploring buildings, squares, transport routes… Summer Tour Booked up Fri 26.07.201315:50-18:00Sommertour 1: Architektur News 26.07.Kleine und große Neuigkeiten entlang der U2Vienna is constantly changing. This guided tour shows the original controversial concert hall for the Vienna Boys' Choir and leads… Summer Tour Sat 13.07.201315:50-18:00Summer Tour 2: The Danube Canal 13.07.Town on the waterStarting at Otto Wagner's Postal Savings Bank (Postsparkasse), this guided tour leads along the Danube Canal, which is lively in… Workshop Booked up Fri 05.07.201310:00-12:00Adventure LEGO City 5.7.In the framework of the Wiener Ferienspiel (from the age of 6)We look at the history of the (development of the) city as a group, and ask ourselves what the functions… Workshop Booked up Thu 04.07.201310:00-12:00Adventure LEGO City 4.7.In the framework of the Wiener Ferienspiel (from the age of 6)We look at the history of the (development of the) city as a group, and ask ourselves what the functions… Workshop Booked up Wed 03.07.201310:00-12:00Adventure LEGO City 3.7.In the framework of the Wiener Ferienspiel (from the age of 6)We look at the history of the (development of the) city as a group, and ask ourselves what the functions… Workshop Booked up Tue 02.07.201310:00-12:00Adventure LEGO City 2.7.In the framework of the Wiener Ferienspiel (from the age of 6)We look at the history of the (development of the) city as a group, and ask ourselves what the functions… Workshop Booked up Mon 01.07.201310:00-12:00Adventure LEGO City 1.7.In the framework of the Wiener Ferienspiel (from the age of 6)We look at the history of the (development of the) city as a group, and ask ourselves what the functions… Workshop Sun 30.06.201311:00-17:00Summer starts with a major LEGO eventAn area of 100 m2 is waiting to be designed by you…On the first Sunday of the holidays we start with the major Az W LEGO building event. Big and small… Summer Tour Fri 28.06.201315:50-18:00Summer Tour 1: New Architecture 28.06.New projects large and small along the U2Vienna is constantly changing. This guided tour shows the original controversial concert hall for the Vienna Boys' Choir and leads… Older Entries Newer Entries