Current Events Presentation Mon 19.05.201419:00-21:00Isay WeinfeldPerformanceFollowing the announcement of the results of the competition ”Redesign of the Hotel Intercontinental/WEV Site” the Az W is delighted… Workshop Sat 17.05.201415:00-23:59Old Like New Workshop 17.05.Architekturtage 2014 (architecture days)Architekturtage 2014 (architecture days) Under the motto “Old Now New” the Architekturtage (architecture days) will be held throughout Austria on… Workshop Sat 17.05.201414:00-23:59Duka La Mojo - 17.05./2pmCooperative undertaking between the Az W and the association MOJO Fullscale Studio NPOColourful, packed with an enormous variety of goods and, above all, improvised – these are the most important characteristics of… Workshop Sat 17.05.201410:00-23:59Duka La Mojo - 17.05./10amCooperative undertaking between the Az W and the association MOJO Fullscale Studio NPOColourful, packed with an enormous variety of goods and, above all, improvised – these are the most important characteristics of… experiencing architecture Fri 16.05.201415:00-23:59Old Like New Workshop 16.05.Architekturtage 2014 (architecture days)Architekturtage 2014 (architecture days) Under the motto “Old Now New” (Alt Jetzt Neu) the Architekturtage (architecture days) will be held… Workshop Booked up Fri 16.05.201414:00-23:59Duka La Mojo - 16.05./2pmCooperative undertaking between the Az W and the association MOJO Fullscale Studio NPOColourful, packed with an enormous variety of goods and, above all, improvised – these are the most important characteristics of… Workshop Fri 16.05.201410:00-14:00Duka La Mojo - 16.05./10amCooperative undertaking between the Az W and the association MOJO Fullscale Studio NPOColourful, packed with an enormous variety of goods and, above all, improvised – these are the most important characteristics of… Workshop Thu 15.05.201414:00-23:59Duka La Mojo - 15.05./2pmCooperative undertaking between the Az W and the association MOJO Fullscale Studio NPOColourful, packed with an enormous variety of goods and, above all, improvised – these are the most important characteristics of… Workshop Thu 15.05.201410:00-23:59Duka La Mojo 15.05.Cooperative undertaking between the Az W and the association MOJO Fullscale Studio NPOColourful, packed with an enormous variety of goods and, above all, improvised – these are the most important characteristics of… Lecture & Discussion: Wed 14.05.201419:00-21:00s2arch. social and sustainable architectureLectures and panel discussionWelcoming address: Dietmar Steiner, Director Az W Introduction: Christoph Chorherr, Vienna town councillor, founder and head of s2archProject presentation: Marlene… Guided Tour Wed 14.05.2014Daily 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM, Wednesdays until 09:00 PMGuided tour to accompany the exhibition 'Think Global, Build Social!' GermanGuided tour through the exhibition 'Think Global, Build Social!' by the curator of the Austrian focus, Sonja Pisarik.guided tours:… Accompanying Programme Sat 10.05.201417:00-22:00Summer in the MQ // Opening6 pm: guided tour of the exhibition “Think Global, Build Social!”Admission to both exhibitions is free from 5-10 pm. Workshop Sat 10.05.201415:00-23:59Archikids: Building with glassask the Az W! Ages 6+A glass that falls to the ground breaks into pieces, but there are load-bearing walls and bridges made entirely of… Lecture Wed 07.05.201419:00-21:00What’s Up? Young architecture from England and AustriaLectures about the architects’ work and panel discussionWhat’s up – the “architectural exchange programme” of the Az W – has been most successful so far and is… Summer Tour Booked up Sat 03.05.201415:50-18:30Summer Tour 1: ARCHITECTURE NEWS 03.05.From the DC Tower to the Nordbahnhof – new buildings along the U1Starting with the DC Tower, Austria’s highest building designed by star architect Dominique Perrault, the tour then brings us to… Day of the Open Door Thu 01.05.201410:00-19:00OPEN HOUSE at the Az WFree admission, all day long!At the invitation of the ARCHITECTURE LOUNGE of the Architekturzentrum Wien this year, like every year, on May 1 admission… Guided Tour Wed 30.04.2014Daily 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM, Wednesdays until 09:00 PMGuided tour to accompany the exhibition 'Think Global, Build Social!' Germanregular guided tours to accompany the exhibition 'Think Global, Build Social!'on Wednesdays: Wed, 19.03. / 02.04. / 16.04. /… Accompanying Programme Sat 26.04.201414:00-18:00Tour: Build Social! Viennese ProjectsAn excursion related to the exhibition shows that socially committed architecture based on individual initiative and using limited financial means… Congress Fri 25.04.201410:00-22:00Mutual ArchitectureA Congress of AoGA in cooperation with AsF International and the Az WArchitecture Sans Frontières International is the worldwide umbrella association of 30 national organisations that have committed themselves to architecture with… Workshop Thu 17.04.2014daily 10am-7pmClay, Brick, Concrete 17.04.In the framework of the Wiener Ferienspiel, ages 6+Which materials make sense where? The exhibition “Think Global, Build Social!“ shows an alternative, socially committed kind of architecture. The… Guided Tour Wed 16.04.2014Daily 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM, Wednesdays until 09:00 PMGuided tour to accompany the exhibition 'Think Global, Build Social!' Germanregular guided tours to accompany the exhibition 'Think Global, Build Social!'on Wednesdays: Wed, 19.03. / 02.04. / 16.04. /… Workshop Wed 16.04.2014daily 10am-7pmClay, Brick, Concrete 16.04.In the framework of the Wiener Ferienspiel, ages 6+Which materials make sense where? The exhibition “Think Global, Build Social!“ shows an alternative, socially committed kind of architecture. The… Workshop Tue 15.04.2014daily 10am-7pmClay, Brick, Concrete 15.04.In the framework of the Wiener Ferienspiel, ages 6+Which materials make sense where? The exhibition “Think Global, Build Social!“ shows an alternative, socially committed kind of architecture. The… Workshop Mon 14.04.2014daily 10am-7pmClay, Brick, Concrete 14.04.In the framework of the Wiener Ferienspiel, ages 6+Which materials make sense where? The exhibition “Think Global, Build Social!“ shows an alternative, socially committed kind of architecture. The… Workshop Sat 05.04.201415:00-23:59Archikids: VinziRast-mittendrinask the Az W! Ages 6+A highly unusual residential community: students from Vienna University live and work together with formerly homeless people and learn from… Presentation Thu 03.04.201419:00-21:00Everything is architectureA tribute to Hans HolleinHans Hollein is the first (and so far the only) Austrian to have received the Pritzker Prize. As an architect,… Guided Tour Wed 02.04.2014Daily 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM, Wednesdays until 09:00 PMGuided tour to accompany the exhibition 'Think Global, Build Social!' Germanregular guided tours to accompany the exhibition 'Think Global, Build Social!'on Wednesdays: Wed, 19.03. / 02.04. / 16.04. /… Presentation Wed 26.03.201419:00-21:00Movie Night: Build Social! Viennese ProjectsA cooperative undertaking between akku/ and the Az Wakku is the name of a TV magazine for urbanity, architecture, the design of open space and urban renewal shown… Guided Tour Wed 19.03.2014Daily 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM, Wednesdays until 09:00 PMGuided tour to accompany the exhibition Germanregular guided tours to accompany the exhibition 'Think Global, Build Social!'on Wednesdays: Wed, 19.03. / 02.04. / 16.04. /… Symposium Fri 14.03.201410:00-17:30Symposium: Architectures for a Better WorldWithin the framework of the exhibition opening an all-day international symposium will be held in the Az W, which poses… Workshop Sat 08.03.201415:00-23:59Archikids: Observation towersTake a bird’s eye view! This is the perspective you have from the Bahnorama, a timber-built observation tower at the… Workshop Booked up Fri 07.02.201410:00-12:00Building with concrete 07.02.In the framework of the Wiener Ferienspiel, ages 6+in German!This time in the Architekturzentrum Wien it’s all about the material CONCRETE. Did the Egyptians use concrete for their… Workshop Booked up Thu 06.02.201410:00-12:00Building with concrete 06.02.In the framework of the Wiener Ferienspiel, ages 6+in German!This time in the Architekturzentrum Wien it’s all about the material CONCRETE. Did the Egyptians use concrete for their… Workshop Booked up Wed 05.02.201410:00-12:00Building with concrete 05.02.In the framework of the Wiener Ferienspiel, ages 6+in German!This time in the Architekturzentrum Wien it’s all about the material CONCRETE. Did the Egyptians use concrete for their… Workshop Booked up Tue 04.02.201410:00-12:00Building with concrete 04.02.In the framework of the Wiener Ferienspiel, ages 6+This time in the Architekturzentrum Wien it’s all about the material CONCRETE. Did the Egyptians use concrete for their pyramids?… Workshop Booked up Mon 03.02.201410:00-12:00Building with concrete 03.02.In the framework of the Wiener Ferienspiel, ages 6+in GermanThis time in the Architekturzentrum Wien it’s all about the material CONCRETE. Did the Egyptians use concrete for their… Lecture Fri 31.01.201419:00-21:00Contested Centre Taksim SquareAbout the history of spatial policy in IstanbulWelcome address: Dietmar Steiner, director Az W Lecture: Orhan Esen, urban researcher, author, tour guide and activist (Istanbul)Taksim Square is… Lecture Wed 29.01.201419:00-21:00Balkan ReloadedLectures and discussionOn the basis of the experiences of independent urbanistic interventions in the cities of south-east Europe, is it possible for… Presentation Wed 22.01.201419:00-21:00Solar Decathlon 2013Presentation and discussionin GermanWith the sustainable plus energy house LISI the TU Vienna, together with its cooperation partners, won first place in… Workshop Fri 03.01.201410:00-12:00Buildings like crystals 03.01.In the framework of the Wiener Ferienspiel, ages 6+Snow and ice have their own kind of architecture. When it is very cold frost crystals can often form amazing… Workshop Booked up Thu 02.01.201410:00-12:00Buildings like crystalsIn the framework of the Wiener Ferienspiel, ages 6+Snow and ice have their own kind of architecture. When it is very cold frost crystals can often form amazing… Workshop Booked up Tue 31.12.201310:00-12:00Buildings like crystals 31.12.In the framework of the Wiener Ferienspiel, ages 6+Snow and ice have their own kind of architecture. When it is very cold frost crystals can often form amazing… Workshop Booked up Mon 30.12.201310:00-12:00Buildings like crystals 30.12.In the framework of the Wiener Ferienspiel, ages 6+Snow and ice have their own kind of architecture. When it is very cold frost crystals can often form amazing… Workshop Booked up Sat 14.12.201315:00-23:59Archikids: Building with Steelask the Az W! Ages 6+How do you build huge domes, long bridges or big theatre auditoriums? How can such large spaces be bridged? Steel… Presentation Wed 11.12.2013Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 10:00 am - 5:30 pmSaturday and Sunday: 10:00 am - 7:00 pmAz W Book Salon 5: Create Knowledgein German To help filter those books worth reading or giving as presents from the flood of current books on… Az W by Moonlight Mon 09.12.201317:00-23:59Alles Gute. A Walk 2013Stop & Go through the 7th District: 9pm in the Az WAdvent Walk begins: Hauptbücherei (Central Library on the Gürtel), 5pm9pm: in the Az W'Alles Gute. Ein Umgang', a walking tour… Workshop Booked up Sat 07.12.201314:00-23:59Archikids: The Spaceship Has Landed. The new WUask the Az W! Ages 6+Architects from throughout the world have designed the new Business University in the Prater and in the course of doing… Lecture Wed 04.12.201319:00-21:00For Example. New Polish HouseAn evening on contemporary Polish architecture. Lectures and discussionIn cooperation with the Polish Institute ViennaIn anticipation of the exhibition 'For Example. New Polish House', which will be shown… Presentation Mon 25.11.201319:00-21:00Book presentation: Den Toten eine BlumeThe Memorials of Bogdan BogdanovicBogdan Bogdanovic (1922-2010) created the legendary Concrete Flowers in Jasenovac and the memorial park in Vukovar which was rewarded the… Special Tours Fri 22.11.201313:45-17:30Studio Visits. Visits to selected architecture studiosIn the framework of the Vienna Art WeekUnder the motto 'Under a Single Roof' this year the Studio Visits bring visitors to the studios of two architecture… Older Entries Newer Entries