Current Events Congress Fri 18.11.2016 – Sun 20.11.201620th Vienna Architecture Congress„In the End: Architecture. Journeys through Time 1959 – 2019“In his capacity as author and correspondent of several architecture magazines, in his role as participant in congresses and lecturer… Guided Tour Sat 12.11.2016Daily 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM, Wednesdays until 09:00 PMGuided tour of the exhibition "In The End: Architecture" Workshop Sat 12.11.201615:00-23:59Archikids: NEST building — Temporary UseWorkshops for the whole family! (ages 6+)Interim use has the advantage that it is not forever and so one can react far more spontaneously in the… Presentation Fri 11.11.201619:00-21:00Steiner’s Closing Time: A Film and a BookBook launch and film screeningRetirement is approaching. Which is why Andrea Maria Dusl has made a very personal auteur movie with Dietmar Steiner, as… Az W on Site Booked up Fri 11.11.201616:00-17:30Az W on Site: Living like James BondModerated by: Sonja Pisarikmax. 25 personsReservation by email only: Together with artist Oswald Stimm the architect Hermann Loos, who… Presentation Wed 02.11.201619:00-21:00BEST OF AUSTRIA Architektur Architecture 2014_2015Book presentation and panel discussionThe book Best of Austria was initiated in 2007 by today's Austrian Federal Ministry for the Arts and Culture, and… Guided Tour Fri 28.10.2016Daily 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM, Wednesdays until 09:00 PMGuided tour for refugees and immigrants – 28.10.A special guided tour of 'a_show' for people discovering Vienna and new arrivals here provides an opportunity to find out… Day of the Open Door Wed 26.10.201610:00-19:00Open DayAdmission free all dayThe ARCHITECTURE LOUNGE invites everybody interested in architecture to free admission at the Architekturzentrum Wien this year, again, on the… Panel Discussion Thu 20.10.201618:00-23:59Architecture is Affordable.Examples of international and Austrian Housing DevelopmentsA cooperation by the Az W with the Kammer der Architekten und Ingenieurkonsulenten für Wien, Niederösterreich und Burgenland, for the… Presentation Wed 19.10.2016 – Tue 08.11.2016Az W Photo Award 2016: I ? ARCHITECTUREPresentation of the Prize-WinnersAnnouncement of the Prize-Winners: Martina Frühwirth & Alexandra Viehhauser, Az W Guests: Marcus Schulz, Vitra Franz Solta, Infoscreen Carl Aigner,… Guided Tour Tue 18.10.2016Daily 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM, Wednesdays until 09:00 PMGuided tour for teachers: In the End: ArchitectureAdmission free for teachers, Reservations requiredE, T +43 1 522 31 15 Presentation Sat 15.10.201619:00-21:00A Question of Scale?From Alternative Project to Occupant-Centred Model of Urban DevelopmentBest Practice presentations and discussionModerated by Angelika Fitz, designated Director of the Az WA large number of self-organised projects and… Guided Tour Sat 15.10.2016Daily 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM, Wednesdays until 09:00 PMGuided tourTo accompany 'In The End: Architecture'Guided tour of the exhibition "In the End: Architecture. Journeys through Time 1959 – 2019" Accompanying Programme Thu 13.10.201610:00-23:59Az W Student DayIn cooperation with Vienna University of Technology, Department of Architecture TheoryAs part of the architecture theory seminar by Kristian Faschingeder, 20 students have prepared for the exhibition 'In The End:… Panel Discussion Wed 12.10.201619:00-21:00What’s Up? Young Architecture from Flanders and AustriaA cooperation by the Az W with the Government of Flanders Welcome address: Dietmar Steiner, Director of the Az W… Guided Tour Wed 12.10.2016Daily 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM, Wednesdays until 09:00 PMGuided tour of the exhibition (with Dietmar Steiner)To accompany 'In The End: Architecture'Guided tour of the exhibition "In the End: Architecture. Journeys through Time 1959 – 2019" Az W on Site Booked up Sat 08.10.201616:30-19:00Az W on Site: Little ArchitectureTo accompany 'In The End: Architecture'Tour guide: Hermann Czech, architect Reservations: by E-Mail only to, max. 20 participantsActivity in the building sector in Vienna… Workshop Sat 08.10.201615:00-23:59Archikids: The Thinnest Concrete Slab in the World: Building with EternitWorkshops for the whole family! (ages 6+)Fantastic shapes can be made with fibre cement. Christoph Pohn of Eternit explains the special qualities of Eternit as a… Az W by Moonlight Sat 01.10.201618:00-23:59ORF Long Night of the MuseumsThe Az W is again participating in the annual nationwide Long Night of the Museums, organised by the ORF. Night… Guided Tour Fri 30.09.2016Daily 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM, Wednesdays until 09:00 PMGuided tour for refugees and immigrants – 30.09.A special guided tour of 'a_show' for people discovering Vienna and new arrivals here provides an opportunity to find out… Presentation Wed 28.09.201619:00-21:00Az W Classics: Friedrich Kurrent. The Critical Conscience of Architectural AustriaWelcome address: Sonja Pisarik, Az W Guests: Friedrich Kurrent, architect Christian Kühn, Dean of Studies at Vienna University of Technology,… Guided Tour Wed 28.09.201618:00-23:59Combined guided tour: a_show/Az W & Beton/Kunsthalle Wien – 28.09.Supporting programme for the Kunsthalle Wien exhibition "Beton"The combination guided tour (in German!) starts with the exhibition "a_show. Austrian Architecture… Az W on Site Booked up Sat 24.09.201615:00-18:00Az W On Site: Ready for Occupancy in 2016 — Seestadt AspernArchitects on location: Berger + Parkkinen Architects and querkraft architekten, PPAG Architects, Baumschlager Hutter Partners/SMAC Tour Guide: Bernhard Stefan, Az… Panel Discussion Wed 21.09.201619:00-21:00Ready for Occupancy in 2016: Seestadt (lake town) AspernGuest speakers: Anna Popelka and Georg Poduschka, PPAG Architects: Slim City (D8) Herbert Mühlegger, Technical Manager, EGW (invited) Alfred Berger,… Workshop Booked up Sat 10.09.201615:00-23:59Archikids: Building with WoodWorkshops for the whole family! (ages 6+)There is a 27 metre tall high-rise in Milan built entirely of wood as a solid timber construction. What are… Workshop Mon 29.08.2016 – Tue 30.08.2016Discovering Colours – 29.+30.08.part of the Wiener Ferienspiel (ages 6-10)Mon+Tue 29+30.08.2016, from 10am – 2pmColours have a strong impact on us, red makes us energetic, blue is more relaxing.… Special Tours Sat 27.08.201616:00-18:30Az W on Site: Outdoor Expedition – 27.08.Tour guide: Dominik Scheuch, YEWO_LANDSCAPES Reservations: E-Mail only, to, max. 25 participants Equipped with mobile outdoor furniture (Vienna Para-Sites),… Workshop Thu 25.08.2016 – Fri 26.08.2016Discovering Colours – 25.+26.08.part of the Wiener Ferienspiel (ages 6-10)Thu+Fri 25.+26.08., from 10am – 2pmColours have a strong impact on us, red makes us energetic, blue is more relaxing.… Festival Wed 24.08.201620:00-23:59Architektur.Film.Sommer: HomeLocation: courtyard of the Architekturzentrum Wien in the MuseumsQuartier WienAlternative bad-weather location: Az W PodiumThe final evening of the Architektur.Film.Sommer… Festival Sat 20.08.201620:00-23:59Architektur.Film.Sommer: Prefab NostalgiaLocation: courtyard of the Architekturzentrum Wien in the MuseumsQuartier WienAlternative bad-weather location: Az W PodiumPrefabrication as the herald of a… Festival Fri 19.08.201620:00-23:59Architektur.Film.Sommer: From Academy to AutonomyLocation: courtyard of the Architekturzentrum Wien in the MuseumsQuartier WienAlternative bad-weather location: Az W PodiumSelf-empowerment through self-build is the theme… Guided Tour Fri 19.08.201616:00-23:59Guided tour for refugees and immigrants – 19.08.Guided tours for refugees and immigrants - held in English -A guided tour of the a_show at the Az W… Festival Wed 17.08.201620:00-23:59Architektur.Film.Sommer: RedundancyLocation: courtyard of the Architekturzentrum Wien in the MuseumsQuartier WienAlternative bad-weather location: Az W PodiumThe people portrayed are those who… Festival Sat 13.08.201620:00-23:59Architektur.Film.Sommer: Permanent TransitionLocation: courtyard of the Architekturzentrum Wien in the MuseumsQuartier WienAlternative bad-weather location: Az W PodiumThe films shown on this evening… Festival Fri 12.08.201620:00-23:59Architektur.Film.Sommer: Moving MountainsOn the opening evening of the Architektur.Film.Sommer mountains are, literally, moved. Director Ella Raidel presents a floating mountain and follows… Festival Fri 12.08.2016 – Wed 24.08.2016Architektur.Film.SommerResisting ArchitectureA cooperative undertaking between the Az W, wonderland – platform for european architecture, frame[o]ut – digital summer screenings and the… Az W on Site Sat 06.08.201616:00-18:30Az W on Site: Outdoor Expedition – 06.08.Tour guide: Dominik Scheuch, YEWO_LANDSCAPESReservations: E-Mail only, to, max. 25 participantsEquipped with mobile outdoor furniture (Vienna Para-Sites), the tour… Workshop Thu 04.08.2016 – Fri 05.08.2016Discovering Colours – 04.+05.08.part of the Wiener Ferienspiel (ages 6-10)Thu+Fri 04.+05.08., from 10am – 2pmColours have a strong impact on us, red makes us energetic, blue is more relaxing.… Workshop cancelled Mon 01.08.2016 – Tue 02.08.2016Discovering Colours – 01.+02.08.part of the Wiener Ferienspiel (ages 6+)Mon+Tue 01.+02.08., from 10am – 2pmColours have a strong impact on us, red makes us energetic, blue is more relaxing.… Guided Tour Wed 27.07.201618:00-23:59Combined guided tour: a_show/Az W & Beton/Kunsthalle Wien – 27.07.Supporting programme for the Kunsthalle Wien exhibition "Beton"The combination guided tour (in German!) starts with the exhibition "a_show. Austrian Architecture… Guided Tour Fri 22.07.201616:00-23:59Guided tour for refugees and immigrants – 22.07.Guided tours for refugees and immigrants - held in English -A guided tour of the a_show at the Az W… Az W on Site Fri 22.07.201616:00-18:30Az W on Site: Art Expedition – 22.07.Tour guide: Gabriela Steiner-Scharfetter, wienkultours Reservations: E-Mail only, to, max. 25 participantsArt in public space is to be encountered… Presentation Wed 20.07.2016Daily 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM, Wednesdays until 09:00 PMa_showcase 27: Concrete — velvety, naked, brutal?Architects and experts on concrete hold a discussion with a focus on the "liquid stone". Starting with "brutal" historical landmarks… Workshop Mon 18.07.2016 – Fri 22.07.2016Summer Academy – City tourpart of the Ferienaktion der KinderfreundeMon 18.07. – Fri 22.07.2016, 8am – 5pm Price: € 205 incl. food and drink (ages 6 – 10)What do… Guided Tour Sat 16.07.2016Daily 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM, Wednesdays until 09:00 PMGuided Tour of the Exhibition "Europe’s Best Buildings" – 16.07.Guided tour of the exhibition "Europe’s Best Buildings" Festival Fri 08.07.201620:30-23:59Opening frame[o]ut – digital summer screeningsLocation: Hof 8 of the Museumsquartier Wien Alternative bad-weather location: Az W PodiumAt the opening of the film festival frame[o]ut… Az W on Site Fri 08.07.201616:00-18:30Az W on Site: Art Expedition – 08.07.Tour guide: Gabriela Steiner-Scharfetter, wienkultours Reservations: E-Mail only, to, max. 25 participantsArt in public space is to be encountered… Workshop Booked up Wed 06.07.201613:00-15:00Adventure Town LEGO – 06.07. – 1pmpart of the Wiener Ferienspiel (ages 6+)Together we look at the history of the city and its development, and ask ourselves what functions a city has… Workshop Booked up Wed 06.07.201610:00-12:00Adventure Town LEGO – 06.07. – 10ampart of the Wiener Ferienspiel (ages 6+)Together we look at the history of the city and its development, and ask ourselves what functions a city has… Workshop Booked up Tue 05.07.201613:00-15:00Adventure Town LEGO – 05.07. – 1pmpart of the Wiener Ferienspiel (ages 6+)Together we look at the history of the city and its development, and ask ourselves what functions a city has… Older Entries Newer Entries