Current Exhibitions Exhibition Thu 30.03.1995 – Mon 15.05.1995Jean Nouvelopening day: March 29, 1995, 7 p.m. Selected works of Jean Nouvel, the influential contemporary French architect of international renown… Exhibition Mon 10.10.1994 – Sun 20.11.1994"Idea Color" and "Bruno Taut"Double exhibitionopening day: October 09, 1994 7 p.m. Exhibition "Idea Color" and Exhibition "Bruno Taut"Color is a constant point of debate… Exhibition Mon 03.10.1994 – Sun 23.10.1994Glasbau SeeleNew Approaches in Industrial ConstructionThe Seele company, specialising in steel and glass construction, held an international competition for the extension of their production building… Exhibition Mon 29.08.1994 – Thu 15.09.1994WarchitectureUrbicid Sarajevo - a wounded cityopening day: August 28, 1994, 7 p.m. A photographic documentation of the destruction of Sarajevo.An exhibition organized in cooperation with… Exhibition Wed 22.06.1994 – Mon 19.09.1994"City Invasions"Exhibition and bookopening day: June21, 1994, 7 p.m. Exhibition and book "City Invasions"14 projects for Vienna by international architects and their students.… Exhibition Tue 22.03.1994 – Fri 20.05.1994La fiesta de la Arquitectura500 years of Architecture in Andalusiaopening day: March 21, 1994, 7 p.m. Exhibition "La fiesta de la Arquitectura" - 500 years of Architecture in AndalusiaOn… Exhibition Fri 17.12.1993 – Thu 23.12.1993Heinz Frank"Threshold to nothing inside and nothing outside"opening day: December 16, 1993, 7 p.m. Exhibition Heinz Frank - "Threshold to nothing inside and nothing outside"He came and… Exhibition Mon 22.11.1993 – Mon 13.12.1993The Magazineopening day: November 21, 1993, 7 p.m. Exhibition "The Magazine"Using the eye of a camera, the eyes of 19 artists… Exhibition Wed 20.10.1993 – Mon 08.11.1993West meets EastNew architecture Vorarlberg and Burgenlandopening day: October 19, 1993, 7 p.m. Exhibition "West meets East" - New architecture Vorarlberg and BurgenlandA "longitudinal section" of… Exhibition Mon 20.09.1993 – Mon 11.10.1993Oaks & ArollasNew architecture Styria and Tyrolopening day: September 19, 1993, 7 p.m. Exhibition Oaks & Arollas - New architecture Styria and TyrolA "cross section" of… Exhibition Mon 23.08.1993 – Sat 11.09.1993Ar.Ca.La.Li.Mi.Pa.Ko.Vo.Eight European architectsopening day: August 22, 1993, 7 p.m. Exhibition Ar.Ca.La.Li.Mi.Pa.Ko.Vo. - Eight European architectsThe international architects of the 4th Viennese Seminar… Exhibition Tue 29.06.1993 – Mon 02.08.1993New HousesPhotographs of architecture by Margherita Spiluttiniopening: Juni 28, 1993, 7 p.m. Exhibition "New Houses" - Photographs of architecture by Margherita Spiluttini For this exhibition Walter… Newer Entries