Current Exhibitions Exhibition on Tour in aspern seestadt Fri 07.02.2025 – Sun 02.03.2025ToourismThe exhibition ‘Toourism’, curated by the Architekturzentrum Wien and on show at the Az W from 21 March to 9… Location: VHS Kulturgarage aspern seestadt Exhibition on Tour in Klagenfurt Fri 17.01.2025 – Fri 21.02.2025Back and Forth Cost Estimates, Breastfeeding and Turnaround StrategiesPositions of our GenerationThe emerging generation of Austrian architects is facing a wide range of great challenges: actively helping to shape a shift… Location: Architektur Haus Kärnten Exhibition Thu 03.10.2024 – Mon 20.01.2025daily 10:00–19:00Europe’s Best BuildingsEuropean Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture. Mies van der Rohe Awards 2024The EUMies Awards Prize, endowed with 90,000 euros in prize money (60,000 Main Award / 30,000 Emerging Architecture Award), is… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Exhibition on Tour in Vorchdorf Fri 27.09.2024 – Fri 13.12.2024Friday 14:00–16:00, Saturday 13:00–17:00ToourismThe exhibition ‘Toourism’, curated by the Architekturzentrum Wien and on show at the Az W from 21 March to 9… Location: Miba eMobility Exhibition Thu 05.09.2024 – Mon 04.11.2024daily 10:00–19:00From Tableware to a Prefabricated Housing: The Architect and Designer Carl Auböck (1924–1993)As a member of a family dynasty which for some 125 years has produced numerous classics in architecture and the… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Gallery Exhibition on Tour in Linz Fri 12.04.2024 – Fri 17.05.2024Back and Forth Cost Estimates, Breastfeeding and Turnaround StrategiesPositions of our GenerationThe emerging generation of Austrian architects is facing a wide range of great challenges: actively helping to shape a shift… Location: afo architekturforum oberösterreich Exhibition Thu 21.03.2024 – Mon 09.09.2024daily 10:00–19:00ToourismMore and more people are travelling more often, further and for shorter stays. What is the impact of our holidays… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Exhibition Thu 05.10.2023 – Mon 20.11.2023daily 10:00–19:00Back and Forth Cost Estimates, Breastfeeding and Turnaround StrategiesPositions of our GenerationThe emerging generation of Austrian architects is facing a wide range of great challenges: actively helping to shape a shift… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Gallery Exhibition Thu 21.09.2023 – Mon 12.02.2024daily 10:00–19:00Hollein CallingArchitectural DialoguesThe exhibition explores the Hollein phenomenon from a contemporary perspective, re-evaluating his work and its relevance to the current discourse… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Exhibition Thu 14.09.2023 – Mon 27.11.2023in the Az W courtyardStones Between the FrontsAnti-Fascist Monuments on the Territory of Former-YugoslaviaIn the courtyard of the Az W, an exhibition with augmented reality allows visitors to experience places of commemoration for… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - in the courtyard Exhibition on Tour in Eisenstadt Mon 13.03.2023 – Fri 21.04.2023Land for Us AllTwo mobile variations of the exhibition 'Land for Us All', curated by the Architekturzentrum Wien, are touring Austria from May… Location: Schlossquartier Exhibition Thu 09.03.2023 – Wed 16.08.2023daily 10:00–19:00Yasmeen LariArchitecture for the FutureYasmeen Lari is Pakistan’s first woman architect. She designed iconic modernist buildings before initiating a zero-carbon self-build movement for climate… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Exhibition on Tour in St. Pölten Wed 08.02.2023 – Fri 24.03.2023Land for Us AllTwo mobile variations of the exhibition 'Land for Us All', curated by the Architekturzentrum Wien, are touring Austria from May… Location: NÖ Landesbibliothek Exhibition on Tour in Vienna Sun 20.11.2022 – Sat 21.01.2023Land for Us AllCamillo Sitte BautechnikumTwo mobile variations of the exhibition 'Land for Us All', curated by the Architekturzentrum Wien, are touring Austria from May… Location: Camillo Sitte Bautechnikum Exhibition on Tour in Vienna Thu 10.11.2022 – Sun 13.11.2022Land for Us AllMesse WienTwo mobile variations of the exhibition 'Land for Us All', curated by the Architekturzentrum Wien, are touring Austria from May… Location: Messe Wien Exhibition on Tour in Klagenfurt Fri 04.11.2022 – Thu 23.02.2023Land for Us AllTwo mobile variations of the exhibition 'Land for Us All', curated by the Architekturzentrum Wien, are touring Austria from May… Location: Architektur Haus Kärnten Exhibition Thu 06.10.2022 – Mon 23.01.2023daily 10:00-19:00Europe's Best BuildingsEuropean Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture. Mies van der Rohe Award 2022With a total of 80,000 euros in prize money, the EU Mies Award is the premier European architecture prize. It… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Exhibition on Tour in Gleisdorf Fri 30.09.2022 – Sat 15.10.2022Land for Us AllTwo mobile variations of the exhibition 'Land for Us All', curated by the Architekturzentrum Wien, are touring Austria from May… Location: Wellenbad Gleisdorf Exhibition on Tour in Graz Thu 21.07.2022 – Sun 11.09.2022Land for Us AllTwo mobile variations of the exhibition 'Land for Us All', curated by the Architekturzentrum Wien, are touring Austria from May… Location: HDA Haus der Architektur Exhibition on Tour in Innsbruck Fri 01.07.2022 – Sat 22.10.2022Land for Us AllTwo mobile variations of the exhibition 'Land for Us All', curated by the Architekturzentrum Wien, are touring Austria from May… Location: aut. architektur und tirol Exhibition Thu 30.06.2022 – Thu 28.07.2022daily 10:00-19:00Geoffrey James: Social Spaces — Jože Plečnik in LjubljanaThe famous Canadian photographer Geoffrey James explores the legacy of Jože Plečnik and his transformation of Ljubljana as a Gesamtkunstwerk.… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Gallery Exhibition on Tour in Ebensee Mon 27.06.2022 – Tue 12.07.2022Land for Us AllTwo mobile variations of the exhibition 'Land for Us All', curated by the Architekturzentrum Wien, are touring Austria from May… Location: Gemeindeamt Ebensee am Traunsee Exhibition on Tour in Antwerpen Sat 28.05.2022 – Sun 11.09.2022Critical CareArchitecture for a Broken PlanetA planet in crisis. The earth in intensive care. Man-made environmental and social catastrophes are threatening to render the planet… Location: Vlaams Architectuurinstituut Exhibition on Tour in Tulln Fri 27.05.2022 – Sun 19.06.2022Land for Us AllTwo mobile variations of the exhibition 'Land for Us All', curated by the Architekturzentrum Wien, are touring Austria from May… Location: Minoritenkloster Tulln an der Donau Exhibition on Tour in Kirchberg am Wagram Thu 28.04.2022 – Fri 20.05.2022Land for Us AllTwo mobile variations of the exhibition 'Land for Us All', curated by the Architekturzentrum Wien, are touring Austria from May… Location: Gemeindeamt Kirchberg am Wagram Exhibition on Tour in Laßnitzhöhe Thu 07.04.2022 – Tue 19.04.2022Land for Us AllTwo mobile variations of the exhibition 'Land for Us All', curated by the Architekturzentrum Wien, are touring Austria from May… Location: Gemeinde-Pfarr-Zentrum Laßnitzhöhe Exhibition Thu 17.03.2022 – Mon 05.09.2022daily 10:00-19:00Serious Fun. Architecture & GamesWe are all familiar with the classic architecture games, from building blocks that become daring structures to board games where… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Exhibition on Tour in Kobersdorf Sun 13.03.2022 – Fri 01.04.2022Land for Us AllTwo mobile variations of the exhibition 'Land for Us All', curated by the Architekturzentrum Wien, are touring Austria from May… Location: Gemeindezentrum Kobersdorf Exhibition on Tour in Linz Fri 04.03.2022 – Sat 11.06.2022Land for Us AllTwo mobile variations of the exhibition 'Land for Us All', curated by the Architekturzentrum Wien, are touring Austria from May… Location: afo architekturforum oberösterreich Exhibition on Tour in Waidhofen/Ybbs Sat 15.01.2022 – Sun 27.02.2022Land for Us AllTwo mobile variations of the exhibition 'Land for Us All', curated by the Architekturzentrum Wien, are touring Austria from May… Location: Stadtgalerie raumimpuls Exhibition Sun 12.12.2021 – Mon 10.01.2022täglich 10:00-19:00ARCHDIPLOMA 2021A repository of ideasAround 90 diploma projects from the Faculty for Architecture and Planning at Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) from the… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Gallery Exhibition on Tour in Elixhausen/Salzburg Fri 05.11.2021 – Mon 06.12.2021Land for Us AllTwo mobile variations of the exhibition 'Land for Us All', curated by the Architekturzentrum Wien, are touring Austria from May… Location: Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für Landwirtschaft, Ursprung Exhibition on Tour in Dornbirn Wed 29.09.2021 – Sat 22.01.2022Land for Us AllTwo mobile variations of the exhibition 'Land for Us All', curated by the Architekturzentrum Wien, are touring Austria from May… Location: vai - Vorarlberger Architektur Institut Exhibition on Tour in Salzburg Tue 21.09.2021 – Thu 28.10.2021Land for Us AllTwo mobile variations of the exhibition 'Land for Us All', curated by the Architekturzentrum Wien, are touring Austria from May… Location: Ziviltechnikerkammer OÖ/Sbg Exhibition Thu 19.08.2021 – Mon 07.02.2022daily 10:00-19:00Tatiana Bilbao EstudioThe exhibition provides, for the first time in Austria, an insight into the working methods and philosophy of Mexican architect… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Exhibition on Tour Touring exhibitionthrough AustriaLand for Us AllThe exhibition "Land for Us All" tours AustriaTwo mobile variations of the exhibition 'Land for Us All', curated by the Architekturzentrum Wien, are touring Austria from May… Exhibition on Tour in Stainz Tue 29.06.2021 – Tue 13.07.2021Land for Us AllTwo mobile variations of the exhibition 'Land for Us All', curated by the Architekturzentrum Wien, are touring Austria from May… Location: Hofer-Mühle Stainz Exhibition on Tour in Straß Mon 31.05.2021 – Fri 25.06.2021Land for Us AllTwo mobile variations of the exhibition 'Land for Us All', curated by the Architekturzentrum Wien, are touring Austria from May… Location: Kultursaal Straß Exhibition on Tour in Leibnitz Wed 12.05.2021 – Sat 29.05.2021Land for Us AllTwo mobile variations of the exhibition 'Land for Us All', curated by the Architekturzentrum Wien, are touring Austria from May… Location: Altes Kino Exhibition on Tour in Zürich Fri 26.03.2021 – Sun 29.08.2021Wed–Sun 14:00–18:00Critical CareArchitecture for a Broken PlanetA planet in crisis. The earth in intensive care. Man-made environmental and social catastrophes are threatening to render the planet… Location: Zentrum Architektur Zürich Exhibition & Opening Thu 11.02.2021 – Mon 22.02.2021daily 10:00-19:00Mapping the City’s LandResearch into property ownership in the Spittelau/Althangrund area dug deeply and yielded some complex results. Students at the Institute of… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Gallery Exhibition on Tour in Dornbirn Tue 09.02.2021 – Fri 30.04.2021Tue–Fri 14:00–17:00, Thu until 20:00, Sat 11:00–15:00Critical CareArchitecture for a Broken PlanetA planet in crisis. The earth in intensive care. Man-made environmental and social catastrophes are threatening to render the planet… Location: vai - Vorarlberger Architektur Institut Exhibition Wed 09.12.2020 – Mon 19.07.2021daily 10:00-19:00Land for Us AllThe earth's surface is a finite resource, and soil is our most precious commodity. Careless or capital-driven treatment of this… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Collection with a View #6 Thu 03.09.2020 – Sun 27.06.2021In the courtyard of the Az W: daily 00:00-24:00Adolf Loos — AfterlifeShowcase to the courtyardThe year 2020 marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Adolf Loos. A welcome opportunity for the Az W to… Location: In the Az W Courtyard / Exhibition hall 1 Exhibition Thu 30.07.2020 – Mon 12.10.2020Tue–Sun 11:00-19:00Europe’s best BuildingsThe European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture. Mies van der Rohe Award 2019Every two years, the exhibition "Europe's Best Buildings" focuses on outstanding architectural projects from Europe and has thus become a… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Exhibition on Tour in Dresden Sun 07.06.2020 – Sun 13.09.2020Tue–Fri 09:00–17:00, Sat + Sun, Holidays 10:00–18:00Critical CareArchitecture for a Broken PlanetA planet in crisis. The earth in intensive care. Man-made environmental and social catastrophes are threatening to render the planet… Location: Technische Sammlungen Dresden Exhibition Fri 29.05.2020 – Mon 29.06.2020Balkrishna DoshiArchitecture for the PeopleThe Indian architect, urbanist and teacher Balkrishna Doshi is among the key proponents of an Indian modernity although he has… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Exhibition hall 2 Exhibition on Tour in Dornbirn Tue 19.05.2020 – Sat 05.09.2020Vorarlberg – An intergenerational DialogueAdventurous clients, innovative architects, liberal planning and building laws, and an open-minded population are behind the high density of interesting… Location: vai - Vorarlberger Architektur Institut Exhibition on Tour in Berlin Sat 08.02.2020 – Sun 22.03.2020Wed–Sun 15:00–20:00 in BerlinCritical CareArchitecture for a Broken PlanetA planet in crisis. The earth in intensive care. Man-made environmental and social catastrophes are threatening to render the planet… Location: Deutsches Architektur Zentrum DAZ Exhibition Thu 05.12.2019 – Mon 10.02.2020Vorarlberg – An intergenerational DialogueSammlungsLab #5Adventurous clients, innovative architects, liberal planning and building laws, and an open-minded population are behind the high density of interesting… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Gallery Older Entries