Current Events Event Thu 21.11.2019Az W Student Dayin cooperation with the fachschaft:architekturOn this day all students have free admission to the exhibitions of the Architekturzentrum Wien. Exhibition 17.10.2019–24.02.2020 Cold War and… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien Talk Show Wed 20.11.201919:00-21:00Club Architektur: Architecture – Competing Ideologies?As part of the exhibition "Cold War and Architecture"What are the hallmarks of conservative, liberal or left-wing architecture? The Architecture Club traces the historical and the current role… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Lecture with response Wed 13.11.201919:00-21:0051N4EIBA_Vienna meets Architects #8With 51N4E, the series IBA_Vienna meets Architects brings one of the most successful Belgian architecture offices to the Architekturzentrum Wien. Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Lecture and discussion Wed 30.10.201919:00-21:00Gotong Royong – For a Common GoalCollectively Shaping NeighbourhoodsIn Indonesia there is a long tradition of communal projects that are agreed upon and realised democratically: Gotong Royong Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Event Sat 26.10.201910:00-19:00Open Door Day at the Az WFree entry all dayAs guests of the Architekturzentrum Wien Architecture Lounge, on this year's Austrian National Holiday admission is free once again for… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien Exhibition opening Wed 16.10.201919:00-22:00Cold War and ArchitectureContributions to Austria’s Democratization after 1945For the first time in an exhibition, the post-war building activities in Austria and those involved are contextualized in the… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Lecture and discussion Wed 09.10.201919:00-21:00A Good City has IndustryWhere is there still room for the productive city? An example from London provides stimulus for Vienna while highlighting current… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Event Sat 05.10.2019, 18:00 – Sun 06.10.2019, 01:00Long Night of MuseumsThe Az W is once again participating in the Austria-wide ORF museum event the Long Night of the Museums. Night… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien Lecture with response Wed 25.09.201919:00-21:00LAN Local Architecture NetworkIBA_Wien meets Architects #7How can large-scale, post-war, modern housing developments be transformed socially, culturally and technologically? The famous Paris office LAN Local Architecture… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Event Sat 21.09.2019 – Sun 22.09.2019the way we liveA Stadtlabor of the Az WVienna is "world champion in living quality". According to international ratings, not only does affordability play a decisive role but… Forumtheater and book presentation Sun 08.09.201915:00-20:00'Caring for Communities?!'The interactive theatre engages with politics and social cooperation based on communal spaces. What is the social significance of communal… Location: Gemeinschaftsraum des Wohngebäudes "Interkulturelles Wohnen mit friends" Conference Fri 06.09., 18:00 & Sat 07.09.Changing ValuesA Vienna Biennale for Change 2019 eventFor the Vienna Biennale for Change, international representatives from the fields of architecture, design, art and commerce discuss connections between… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Architektur.Film.Sommer 2019 Wed 28.08.201920:30RepairFilm Night in the Az W courtyardBikes n' Rails: Solidarität schafft Raum, AT 2019, 7:00 min, original version (German), D: Filmgruppe RPL Building an entire apartment… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - in the courtyard Architektur.Film.Sommer 2019 Wed 21.08.201920:30EconomyFilm Night in the Az W courtyardThe Disappearance of Robin Hood, CH 2018, 25:13 min, original version with English subtitles, D: Klearjos Eduardo Papanicolaou London, 1972:… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - in the courtyard Architektur.Film.Sommer 2019 Wed 14.08.201920:30EcologyFilm Night in the Az W courtyardLost World, KH/SG 2018, 16:00 min, original version with English subtitles, D: Kalyanee Mam The mangrove forests of Cambodia are… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - in the courtyard Architektur.Film.Sommer 2019 Wed 07.08.201920:30CareFilm Night in the Az W courtyardDesign that Heals, US 2016, 24:00 min, original version with English subtitles, D: Thatcher Bean & Alan Ricks (MASS Design… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - in the courtyard Screening Wed 07, 14, 21 + 28.08.2019at 20:30Architektur.Film.Sommer 2019The seventh edition of the international open-air architecture film festival has a focus this year on the topic 'Critical Care.… Location: Az W Courtyard (in bad weather: Podium) Symposium Fri 21.06.201913:00-20:30Critical Care — SymposiumModern architecture and city planning have essentially been determined by the idea of the world as Tabula Rasa. The consequences… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Lecture & discussion Tue 18.06.201917:00-21:00At the Az W:Marshall Plan SymposiumMarshallplan Lecture Views on America of Europeans and Austrians Günter Bischof, Austrian Marshall Plan Chair, Universitiy of New Orleans Panel… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Symposium Fri 14.06.201910:00-20:00Serial Construction meets Vienna's Social HousingA symposium by the Az W and IBA_WienSerial and modular construction are a hot topic once again as social changes, like refugee movements, but also the continuing… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Event Thu 13.06.201917:00-22:00MQ SummerOpeningAdmission free17:00 High-Flying Folds! Children's workshop (ages 6–12) Thin materials can become very strong with the right folding techniques. We try… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien Opening & Panel discussion & Summer Party Wed 12.06.201919:00-22:00The Haas-Haus IssueTo accompany the exhibition 'Hans Hollein unpacked: The Haas-Haus'At the opening of the fourth SammlungsLab, we pursue the question: What can and is modern architecture allowed to do… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Event Wed 12.06.2019from 21:00Summer Party 2019After the opening of the exhibition "Hans Hollein unpacked: The Haas-Haus", the annual Az W summer party takes place. We… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - in the courtyard Open Day, walks, discussions Sat 25.05.2019from 13:00Nordbahn-Halle Open DayTo accompany the Architekturtage 2019To accompany the exhibition 'Critical Care' and for the Architecture Days, together with the TU Wien we invite you to… Location: Nordbahn-Halle Panel discussion Wed 22.05.201919:00-21:00Österreich im BildTo accompany Österreichbild. Collection with a View #5What are the pictures of Austria coursing through our minds, and those of others? We pursue this question in a… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Lecture with response Wed 15.05.201919:00-21:00Haus der StatistikIBA_Vienna meets Architects #6How can large-scale, modern postwar buildings be transformed socially, culturally and technologically? The Haus der Statistik in Berlin is developing… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Workshop (0–99) Wed 01.05.201914:00-17:00Stadtutopien aus LEGOas part of "Open Door Day"We build the ideal city with LEGO. Will there be cars there? How will electricity be generated? As guests of… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien Event Wed 01.05.201910:00-19:00Open Door DayAdmission freeAs guests of the Architekturzentrum Wien Architecture Lounge, on 1 May admission is free for everybody interested in architecture. The… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien Opening Wed 24.04.201919:00Critical CareArchitecture for a Broken PlanetA planet in crisis. The earth in intensive care. Man-made environmental and social catastrophes are threatening to render the planet… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Talk Show Wed 03.04.201919:00Club Architektur: Town versus CountryThe architecture talk show debates Town and Country: contrasts and prejudices. Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Lecture & dialogue Fri 22.03.201919:00Europan15Competition launch30 Years of Europan! Europan opens the 15th round of this competition and presents the Austrian locations: Innsbruck - Graz… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Exhibition opening, lectures, discussion Wed 13.03.201918:00Rural Moves – New Perspectives for Rural Areas in China and AustriaTo accompany the exhibition 'Rural Moves – The Songyang Story'From China to Austria, rural regions face similar challenges: the cores of the communities and centres of the villages are… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Panel discussion Mon 11.03.201919:00Zukunft Stadt PositionenWhat Can Urban Planning do?Urban Planning Has to Continually Adapt to the Burning Issues of Our Time. Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Film screening and discussion Wed 20.02.201919:00BowlingtreffA film by Adrian Dorschner and Thomas Beyer – To accompany the exhibition "Downtown Denise Scott Brown"Shortly before the end of the GDR, in 1987 in Leipzig the Bowlingtreff (bowling club) was unexpectedly opened. By no… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Lecture, presentation, opening Wed 30.01.201919:00Vienna Rossa: The Magic Mountain of Austro-Marxism (Part 2)Part of Happy Birthday Karl Marx! Collection with a View #4The Red Vienna socio-political experiment began 100 years ago. A new installation in a_show is an impressive reminder of the… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Talk Show Wed 05.12.201819:00Club Architektur: Gründerzeit — Soul of Vienna or Just Old Stuff?The architecture talk show opens the debate between a beloved protected zone and the right to the present. Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Event Thu 29.11.2018Az W Student Dayin cooperation with the fachschaft:architekturOn this day all students have free admission to the exhibitions of the Architekturzentrum Wien. Location: Architekturzentrum Wien Lecture and Discussion Wed 28.11.201819:00At the Az W: The culture of building as reflected in society, 1938–1959Focus: The architects' profession and its interest group the Zentralvereinigung der ArchitektInnen Österreichs (ZV) Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Opening Wed 21.11.201819:00Downtown Denise Scott BrownFor 50 years Denise Scott Brown has shaped the course of architecture. It's time for the world's first extensive solo… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Event Fri 26.10.201810:00-19:00Open Door Day at the Az WAdmission freeOn this year's Austrian national holiday, admission is once again free for everybody interested in architecture, as guests of the… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien Symposium Sat 20.10.201809:30-20:00Roland Rainer in ContextSupporting programme for the exhibition 'Roland Rainer. (Un)Disputed. New Findings on the Work (1936–1963)'To understand the current design and political function of the city it is essential to know the historical background and… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Opening Fri 19.10.201819:00Roland Rainer. (Un)Disputed. New Findings on the Work (1936–1963)SammlungsLab #3At least since the study commissioned by the City of Vienna of person-related street signs, where Roland-Rainer-Platz is categorised as… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Lecture and Response Wed 10.10.201819:00NL ArchitectsIBA_Wien meets Architects #5What role can large postwar housing developments play in the future? The fifth edition of this series introduces a prize-winning… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Event Sat 06.10.2018, 18:00 – Sun 07.10.2018, 01:00The Long Night of MuseumsThe Az W is participating again in the nationwide annual museum action organised by the ORF, the Long Night of Museums.… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien Symposium, excursions, pre-premiere film screening Fri 05.10.2018 – Sat 06.10.2018Bretteldorf RevisitedA century of informal urban developmentTo mark the 100th jubilee of the Republic of Austria, the symposium is dedicated to the frequently overlooked history of… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien Opening & event Wed 26.09.201819:00Vienna Rossa: The Magic Mountain of Austro-Marxism (Part 1)a Happy Birthday Karl Marx! event. Collection with a View #4Introduction followed by a fictitious discussion of the ideological critique of Red Vienna Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Jubilee party Wed 19.09.201819:0025 Years of the Az W / Part 2Join us to celebrate!For 25 years the Architekturzentrum Wien has been showing what architecture can do — in educational events, research and the… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien Lecture Wed 12.09.201819:00A prizewinning social housing development from BrusselsTo accompany the exhibition 'Europe's best Buildings'Jean-Marc Simon from the MSA architecture office provides, among other things, insights into the Navez project, current winner of the… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium Event Sat 08.09.2018 – Sun 09.09.201811:30-18:00All Things Frank!Following the great success of two years ago, the Az W is again opening the Beer villa to the public. This… Location: Beer House Architektur.Film.Sommer 2018 Wed 29.08.201820:00Adapted LifestylesCinema evenings in the Az W courtyardLet's adapt to suit our home! In this case, doing so is not a mistake but a challenge. It is… Location: Architekturzentrum Wien Older Entries Newer Entries