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hintergrund 12

This issue of hintergrund 12 offers excerpts from an architectural novel, the gleanings of a discussion on "Youth, Integration and Public Space," and concludes by examining the topic of architecture and gastronomy.



The collage-like interlaced architectural novel “Eine Ratte namens Apfel” by Franz Kneissl was presented to us in the context of mittwochs 24, on the following pages you can read some fine excerpts from it. The book was published by Sonderzahl Verlag in Vienna and is now available in bookstores.
Also in this issue: Crystal Clear, the diary of a city. A transcript of the Wednesday discussion on “Youth, Integration and Public Space”. The new cafeteria of the Architekturzentrum Wien. Gastronomy and Architecture in Vienna. A travelogue about a Sunday trip to Blaufränkisch. A trip tip for all architecture enthusiasts who have not yet stocked up on Burgenland red wines for long winter evenings.