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Architektur in Niederösterreich im 20. Jahrhundert nach Friedrich Achleitner

A-Z 0001-2287

This reference work follows on from the book series "Austrian Architecture in the 20th Century" and includes the documentation of the Lower Austrian building stock of the 20th Century.



The architecture guidebook documents the history of building in Lower Austria. It is based on the concept for Friedrich Achleitner’s multi-volume standard reference work Austrian Architecture in the 20th Century. Achleitner’s unfinished research on Lower Austria has been continued in this publication, which is based on his estate and the previous volumes. Organised topographically and sorted by types of building, the book reflects the multifaceted architectural landscape of Lower Austria in the 20th century. A total of 2,287 buildings and projects are covered, including not only prominent buildings but also lesser-known examples of a diversity of building projects. The accompanying essays form the contextual framework by outlining topics such as 20th century events in the Lower Austrian building sector, as well as on Friedrich Achleitner and the special nature and particular significance of his original research.