all Kindergarten Elementary School Middle School/Junior High Secondary/High School Adults Barrier-Free Excursions Bookable Exhibition Tours Bookable-Excursions Children & Young People Children’s Birthdays Tailor-made Excursions Schools & Kindergartens Standard Excursions Excursions for Children & Young People Workshop Bookable Workshop All under one roof!Is the American Dream Home Still Relevant?The dream of owning your own home with a garden, a pool and a car has spread throughout Europe — having begun in the American… Barrier-free Excursion MuseumsQuartierExcursion for blind and visually impaired peopleSummer can hardly be imagined today without the MuseumsQuartier and all of its museums, dance and youth theatres and pavement cafés. This has not always… Excursion for children and young people Housing – social and individualFrom Stuwerviertel to NordbahnhofIn the 1920s unemployment and a severe housing shortage led Red Vienna to erect housing blocks and developments that are still internationally acclaimed. Architects today… Birthday-Party Floating housesLiving on the waterHave you ever thought about living on the water? About moving ‒ always by water ‒ from city to city, along with your entire home?… Workshop At Your Own Risk!School workshop for secondary schools to accompany the exhibition 'Form Follows Rule'Do regulations and standards safeguard our lives? In any case, they do impact on our behaviour and the image of our towns and cities, and… Standard Excursion 3 Vienna City Walk: Dawn of ModernismOtto Wagner, Adolf Loos and contemporariesThe start of the 20th century was a time of upheaval and renewal in Vienna. Personalities like Otto Wagner and Adolf Loos left their stamp… Standard Excursion 8 Red ViennaMore than just Housing Developments100 years after the Social Democrats won the first municipal elections following the accession of voting rights for men and women, Vienna is still known… Workshop Adventure CityThe functions of a cityThe Architekturzentrum Wien is converted into a mini-city in which we ourselves become architects, town planners, builders of bridges or roads. At the same time… Excursion for children and young people The Vienna RingstraßeParade ground of the bourgeoisieWith a length of 5.3 kilometres the Ringstraße in Vienna provides the setting for numerous monumental buildings that were erected during the historicist era from… Bookable Workshop Hot QuestionsFinding AnswersWhat can architecture contribute in a context of the climate crisis? How do we want to live in the future? And, what is the impact… Barrier-free Excursion GasometerExcursion for blind and visually impaired peopleIn 1896 the City of Vienna built the gasometers in the style of industrial architecture – a gasometer is a gas storage tank. They have… Workshop How do animals live?Learning from natureA housing shortage on the floor of the ocean, a subterranean living room, a bedroom in the middle of a river or with their home… Workshop Bridging the GapConstructing, building and testingBridges shape the face of our landscapes and cities. Arched bridges, chain bridges, suspension bridges, monkey bridges, cable-stayed bridges or body bridges – in the… Birthday-Party Adventure CityThe functions of a cityThe Architekturzentrum Wien is converted into a mini-city in which we ourselves become architects, town planners, builders of bridges or roads. At the same time… Standard Excursion 1 Vienna City Walk: Architectural ScandalsWhat upsets the Viennese: from MQ to LooshausThe Viennese have often reacted to changes in their city with vehement resistance and ridicule. The Secession got its “golden head of cabbage”, the uncompromising… Barrier-free Excursion Karl-Marx-HofExcursion for blind and visually impaired peopleKarl-Marx-Hof is, with a length of 1.2km, one of the largest and most famous buildings in Vienna. As an icon of Socialist Vienna’s housing developments… Workshop Floating housesLiving on the waterHave you ever thought about living on the water? About moving ‒ always by water ‒ from city to city, along with your entire home?… Standard Excursion 5 Campus WU and SurroundingsStudying, Working and AccommodationThe campus of Vienna’s University of Economics and Business offers the most compact mix of spectacular architecture imaginable. Zaha Hadid’s Library and Learning Center is… Barrier-free Excursion The Vienna RingstraßeExcursion in easily understandable languageThe aim of the tour is for participants to get to know the city, exchange ideas and be open to new subject matter, come closer… Barrier-free Excursion Donau CityExcursion for blind and visually impaired peopleDonau City is situated directly above a freeway. It was roofed over with concrete slabs so that buildings could be erected here. In some places… Standard Excursion 7 A City Under DevelopmentAround the New Vienna Central StationThe restructuring of the grounds around the former Südbahnhof has allowed for the large-scale development of a new city district. The face of Vienna has… Birthday-Party Building in spaceSpace stations and distant planetsHaven’t you always wanted to move to an alien planet, or at least to the moon – and to feel the endlessness of space at… Excursion for children and young people Studying and working on campusThe new WUOn the new WU campus, six international architects have realised their vision of a university building. These new buildings shimmer through the Prater park’s trees,… Tickets Bookable workshop Land Use — let the grass grow!The consumption of land continues to rise. On community outskirts, where land is even cheaper, new shopping centres and supermarkets with large car parks are… Workshop The profession of the architectPlanning, drawing, buildingWhat exactly do architects do? What is the difference between an engineer and an architect? And how can one become an architect? We offer insights… Workshop Building with clayLoam – clay – earthClay has long been one of humankind’s most important building materials. People built with clay 9000 years ago. What are the constituents of clay and,… Tailor-made Excursions Vienna individuallyWe are happy to advise you with planning tours and selecting projects along suitable routes. Walks, half-day or whole day tours, either by bus or… Standard Excursion 2 Vienna City Walk: Architecture & DesignFrom Loos’ American Bar to Hollein’s Haas HouseThis tour provides an expedition through the history of design and architecture in Vienna. Beginning with the American Bar by Adolf Loos it leads, via… Barrier-free Excursion GänsehäufelExcursion for blind and visually impaired poepleThe approx. 150 year old riverside bathing facility, converted in the 1940s, is situated on an island on the Alte Donau. The architects Max Fellerer… Standard Excursion 6 The way we liveNew social housing concepts at the NordbahnhofThe quality of life in Vienna is one of the highest in the world! The high living standard goes hand-in-hand with a historically developed culture… Bookable Guided Tour Hot Questions – Cold StorageThe Architekturzentrum Wien offers individual tours of its permanent exhibition “Hot Questions – Cold Storage” in German or English on the days you choose. Duration:… Standard Excursion 4 The Wiener WerkbundsiedlungLiving and housing concepts of modernismVienna in the early ’30s, the proponents of the Garden City movement realized, under the leadership of Josef Frank, a model settlement of modernity: the… Excursion for children and young people Subliminal seductionCritical examination of shop design and shopping behaviourThe design and architecture of shops plays an important role in shopping behaviour – is a shop very inviting or perhaps is the design so… Workshop Building in spaceSpace stations and distant planetsHaven’t you always wanted to move to an alien planet, or at least to the moon – and to feel the endlessness of space at… Barrier-free Excursion KabelwerkExcursion for blind and visually impaired peopleA new City District has been developed on the grounds of the former Kabelwerk factory in Wien-Meidling on the basis of what is a unique… Excursion for children and young people Look at that!Image-bolstering with architectureWe visit representative buildings along the Danube Canal and look at the ways in which individual firms and institutions present themselves: open and flooded with… Birtday-Party Bridging the GapConstructing, building and testingBridges shape the face of our landscapes and cities. They are an important part of the built environment. Arched bridges, chain bridges, suspension bridges, monkey…