
x posici on

Series of lectures

Sat 02.03.2002, 14:00-00:00

x posici on

lectures by: Roberto Lombardi Eva Prats, Ricardo Flores Tomas Saraceno Ana Rascovsky, Max Zolkwer Hugo Montorfano, Architekturzentrum Wien

Lecture program to the exhibition “x posici on – ba in wien” by podroom
in Co-operation with the Architekturzentrum Wien

As part of the exhibition ‘x posici on ^ ba in wien’ organised by podroom (1st – 10th March 2002 in the studio building of the Academy of Fine Arts, Lehargasse 6-8, 1060 Vienna), on two consecutive Saturday afternoons two of the ten contributing teams of architects are to be introducing themselves and their

projects at the Architekturzentrum Wien, and so opening themselves up to the local architecture discourse. In line with its agenda, the Architekturzentrum Wien is providing a platform for dedicated initiatives and theme-specific events geared towards animating the architectural discourse.

The backdrop to the exhibition ‘x posici on ^ ba in wien’ is provided by the economic crisis in the Argentine, which also ordains the working conditions for architects living and working in Buenos Aires (where there are no public competitions, stilted construction work, breaches of contract etc.). Many Argentinean architects can only maintain their studios by finding alternative sources of income, work at the universities or, occasionally, in Europe and leading a nomadic life ^ not only in a peripatetic sense. As a result a close relationship to theory, art and craftsmanship has arisen that characterises the resulting architecture like a kind of signature, becoming its hallmark and making it recognisable even here in Vienna.

Saturday, 02nd March 2002 2 – 7pm

Lectures by:

Roberto Lombardi

Eva Prats, Ricardo Flores

Tomas Saraceno

Ana Rascovsky, Max Zolkwer

Hugo Montorfano

Roberto Lombardi – (*1964. Buenos Aires) The team Cadau, Giménez and Lombardi are three architects that actually do not work together as one office. The three architects come from three different argentinian cities. Lombardi and Cadau teach together together at the Architectural Faculty at the University of Buenos Aires. Their field of activities are single houses, housing schemes and landscape architecture.

Eva Prats, Ricardo Flores – (*1965. Barcelona/Buenos Aires)

Eva Prats, Barcelna, Guest professor at Arizona State University, College of Architecture of Phoenix (2000/2001). Author of diverse articles on architecture, and co-author with Ricardo Flores of book John Hejduk. House for a Poet. Edicions UPC, Barcelona, 2000. Collaborator of Enric Miralles (1991/1994) and Enric Miralles/Carme Pinós (1986/1991). She shares her office with Ricardo Flores since 1997. Ricardo Flores, Buenos Aires, Teacher on Architecture at FADU, UBA, with Alberto Varas. Collaborator of Enric Miralles (1993/1998). He shares his office with Eva Prats since 1997.

Tomas Saraceno – (*1973. Buenos Aires)

Postgraduate studies on art and architecture at Buenos Aires Fine Arts School with Claudio Vekstein and Enric Miralles. He has been teacher at FADU, UBA from 1997 to 2000. His work spreads a wide field of action between art and architecture. Many of his works have been installed at Buenos Aires galleries, he works mainly on the public space of the city.

Ana Rascovsky, Max Zolkwer – MARZ – (*1972. Buenos Aires)

The team members of MARZ are teaching at FADU, UBA (Architecture). 3.Prize, Competition Cultural Centre Catamarca, 2000 (with Julián Berdichevsky) MARZ is an office or collaboration that exists in facts from 10 years ago, where work in common gets involved with each one personal destiny. Excepting few particular charges, their practice is concentrated on production without customer.
They work on the concept that everything is included into architecture, and size of things does not matter too much. They produce: drawingsfor books,exhibitons, lamps, furniture, events, installations, sculpture, houses, buildings, urbanism – with what they have at hand.