Panel Discussion
Wiener Baugeschichten 1970-2010
Panel discussion (in German)

Wiener Baugeschichten 1970-2010
© Winfried Kallinger
A cooperation by the Kallco Bauträger GmbH with the Az W
Winfried Kallinger has just written a book succinctly called Wiener Baugeschichten 1970–2010 (Vienna Building Stories), a title that conceals the previously unknown background story of housing policy in Vienna over the last forty years. With charm and humour Kallinger unfolds the events and developments in the public eye and behind the scenes of that major drama which is Vienna Housing Policy. It begins with the battle over the Haus am Judenplatz (the time when Heidulf Gerngross was still planning for speculators), alludes to the paradigm shift in Vienna housing policy in the 1980s, explains the background to the establishment of the Wiener Wohnfonds, names the difference between commercial and non-commercial developers, celebrates the misalliance between the red (Socialist) and black (Conservative) parties in Vienna, and finally solves the question as to why there are clients’ competitions today. Winfried Kallinger’s Wiener Baugeschichten 1970- 2010 is essential reading for everybody who wants to know how secretive, successful Vienna really ‘functions’.
7pm Dietmar Steiner, director of the Az W / welcome address
7.10pm Winfried Kallinger, CEO Kallco Bauträger GmbH / introduction
7.30 panel discussion, with:
Erhard Busek, chairman of the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe
Rudolf Edlinger, minister, retired
Josef Frühwirth, partner/CEO WFB
Markus Spiegelfeld, architect
Moderated by Dietmar Steiner
Admission free!