Why Have There Been No Great Women Architects?
Feminist Perspectives on Gendered Spaces in Modern Architecture and Art History

Liane Zimbler on a construction site in Vienna, mid-1920s
© private collection
There is still a lack of broad visibility despite decades of feminist research, monographs and exhibitions on women architects and reference to gender issues in the history of architecture and art. The conference is dedicated to examining the interaction between society, gender and space from a feminist perspective. The dual focus is on the productivity of women at all levels of architecture and planning, as well as on the gender-specific perception and use of space.
Fri 14.06., 12:30–19:30, Az W Podium
Welcome address:
Angelika Fitz, Director of the Az W
Harald Stühlinger, Head of Art History research, TU Wien
Thomas Moser & Sabine Plakolm-Forsthuber, Art History researchers, TU Wien
13:00_Panel I
Eliana Perotti (CH, Zurich), The “ugly, sentimentally scholarly Prussian Countess Poninski-Dohna”, author of the first treatise on urban development in Germany, titled Misogeny and Contempt
Kristen Barry (US, Muncie), Women for Women’s Spaces: Gendered Space and Design in the Emerging Modern United States
Chair: Leonie Mühlegger
14:50_Panel II
Rainer Schützeichel (DE, Potsdam), Emilie Winkelmann: Pionier of Bourgeois Architecture by and for Women in Berlin und Potsdam
Apolline Vranken (BE, Brussels), De-Pioneering the History of Architecture: From Simone Guillissen-Hoa (1916–1996) to her Constellations
Chair: Mihály András Németh
16:40_Panel III
Sigal Davidi (IL, Tel Aviv), A Gender Perspective of the History of Architecture: The Case of the First Israeli Women Architects
Sabine Plakolm-Forsthuber (AT, Vienna), Dora Gad: Shaping Israeli Design from the 1950s to the 1970s
Chair: Theresa Knosp
Despina Stratigakos (US, Buffalo), The Collaborative (Re) turn: Next-Gen Methodologies in Women’s Architectural Histories
Chair: Monika Platzer
Sat 15.06., 09:00–16:00, TU Wien, Boecklsaal
Mary Pepchinski (DE, Berlin / Dresden), In Search of Feminist Architectural History / Theory: Questions for the Canon(s)
Chair: Harald Stühlinger
11:00_Panel I
Dörte Kuhlmann (AT, Vienna), The Abduction of the Sabine Women in Early Modern Architecture: The Integration of Young Women Architects in the Discourse
Hilde Heynen (BE, Leuven), Architectural Theory and Feminism: Entanglements since the 1970s
Chair: Harald Stühlinger
14:10_Panel II
Elana Shapira (AT, Wien), The Journalist and Politician Gisela Urban and the Creation of Gendered Space in Interwar Viennese Media
Johanna Sluiter (CH, Bern), Edith Schreiber-Aujame, AEP, and the Potential of Female Architectural Agency
Chair: Sabina Riß
16:00_Panel III
Tanja Kilzer (DE, Trier), A Female Form of Commemoration? The Role of Women Architects in the Field of Memorial Architecture
Rosanna Umbach (DE, Bremen), Between the Collective and the Kitchen: historical reception and queer feminist spatial praxis
Chair: Ingrid Holzschuh
A cooperation by the Az W and TU Wien