What’s up? Recent Architecture from Denmark and Austria
A cooperation by the Danish Embassy in Vienna with the Az W, to mark the Theophil Hansen jubilee year

What’s up? Recent Architecture from Denmark and Austria
© Christina Capetillo: Næstved Kulturhus / Praksis arkitekter
With the new series of events ‘What’s up?’ the Az W brings together international and Austrian architecture in Vienna. Project presentations and discussions provide an opportunity to compare different approaches to the tasks facing urbanists and architects and to swap experiences. The series begins with a meeting between architects from Svendborg, Copenhagen and Vienna for an architectural exchange at the Az W.
Welcome address: Dietmar Steiner, director of the Az W
Work presentations by:
Mads Bjørn Hansen & Mette Tony, Praksis arkitekter (Svendborg)
Christine Horner & Christoph Hinterreitner, SOLID architecture (Vienna)
Christian Cold & Signe Cold, entasis (Copenhagen)
Christian Ambos, Sue Architekten (Vienna)
Followed by a panel discussion
Moderated by Karoline Mayer, Az W
The event is in English.
Admission free!