
wednesdays 41

Presentation of the publication: 'open:24h - workground/playground'

Wed 21.05.2003, 19:00-21:00

What are the prerequisites for the emergence of architecture? How can architecture be learned or taught? Based on the current debate on education, ‘open:24h – workground/playground’ is exploring non-determinate working and educational structures and their sustainability in practical terms – specifically on the basis of the rooms for architecture drawing nos. 1-4 at Graz University of Technology.

As fluctuating communities of students, the rooms for drawing are simultaneously spheres of learning, working structures and living spaces. Autonomously organised, they form a parallel pedagogic universe, sketching out alternative forms of knowledge-transfer as a real-time experiment. As places of production they are laboratories for architecture in the broader sense, and open perspectives for a multi-orientated understanding of the profession.

The current recognisable shifts in the understanding of the profession call for different and a broader approach to training architects. The publication ‘open:24h’ is a contribution to the debate surrounding strategies in contemporary education, and providing stimulus for defining the outline of future models for working and education.

Discussing current trends in architectural practise and the consequences of these on architecture education are:

Curd Duca, easy listening pioneer, teaches at the Schule für Dichtung, Miami and Vienna
Hemma Fasch, architect, Vienna
Roger Riewe, architect and professor at Graz University of Technology
Claus Stadler, project developer, Vienna
Ina Wagner, professor at Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Design and Effect Research
Moderated by: Orhan Kipcak, professor for Information design, FH Graz, media designer

The publication ‘open:24h – workground/playground’ will be available from the publishers ‘edition selene’ from May 2003.

With texts by: Christian Andexer, Sebastian Fiedler, Brigitte Franzen, Wolfgang Gosch, Wolfgang Haas, Karin Hebenstreit und Renate Renner, Eilfried Huth, Iris Kaltenegger, Orhan Kipcak, Bernd Knaller-Vlay, Joost Meuwissen, Dieter Reicher, Gernot Ritter, Andreas Rumpfhuber, Harald Saiko, Oliver Schürer, Peter Trummer, Karin Tschavgova
Foreword: Johanna Zugmann

Sponsored by:
Fakultät für Architektur – TU Graz
Kammer der Architekten und Ingenieurkonsulenten für Steiermark und Kärnten
Land Steiermark FA 6a