
virtual dschungle 5

Media facades

Wed 05.04.2006, 19:00-21:00

virtual dschungle 5
© arquitectos

The harbingers of the media city are cropping up everywhere: projected images the size of an entire façade, huge screens on roof tops and culture buildings used as flickering display surfaces. Developments in the area of display technologies have produced new possibilities for hybrid architecture. The theme of media facades in architecture is not simply the next fashion trend, but represents a step in technological development that will have a lasting impact. This trend will affect the city – with or without architects’ collaboration. Therefore the important thing is to assume social responsibility and to integrate the new technologies in building in a culturally ambitious way. For an Austrian architecture scene that likes to experiment the potential of such developments is a highly topical question.

An enrichment of urban social space, or just a visual form of environmental pollution? An intensification of the urban experience, or simply omnipotent advertising? What are the different technologies used to create media facades? What do the most recent developments in the LED area offer? Will media facades set a standard for the placing and distribution of images in the city?
Representatives from the areas of architecture and media design, politics and municipal administration, technological research and production as well as investors and developers outline the ways in which this trend can and will develop. Projects already completed are introduced as examples and the know-how currently available is illustrated with 1:1 samples.


Stefan Hofmann, media designer; Licht Kunst Licht
Josef Matousek, MA 19, municipal department of architecture and urban design
Ernst Morgenbesser, Uniqa Insurance Company, representative of the client of the Uniqa Tower
Dieter Spath, architect; arquitectos
Gernot Tscherteu, media designer; realitylab, planhaus

Moderator and Concept: Oliver Schürer

virtual dschungle 5 meets mixed reality 4.
On 02.04.06 sonntags 171 will also be devoted to the theme of media facades. Samples of the latest technology will be shown as well as examples of applications in the Vienna urban area.