Panel Discussion

Vienna Elections, Architecture Policy

Wed 15.09.2010, 19:00-21:00

Vienna Elections, Architecture Policy

in German

a cooperation by The Austrian Platform for Architectural Policy and Building Culture with the Az W

There is a margin between the legal framework and the demand for a culture of building that politicians and local authorities can proactively shape. How has this margin been used in recent years? What are the cultural aims specific to architecture pursued by the political parties for the coming legislative term of office? To mark the local elections in Vienna (on 10.10.2010) The Austrian Platform for Architectural Policy and Building Culture and their Viennese membership have invited the planning authority speakers of the parties represented in the Council to a discussion.

discussion with:

Sabine Gretner (Greens), Vienna Councillor
Alfred Hoch (ÖVP), Vienna Councillor
Henriette Frank (FPÖ), Vienna Councillor
Rudolf Schicker (SPÖ), Vienna Executive Councillor for Urban Planning
moderated by Jakob Dunkl and Bernhard Steger (speaker for The Austrian Platform for Architectural Policy and Building Culture)

Photos from the event ‘Vienna Elections, Architecture Policy’, September 15 2010 at the Architekturzentrum Wien.