Urban Density and Atmosphere – Vienna and other Central European Cities
Lecture and book presentation to celebrate the publication of „Dichte Atmosphäre“ by Birkhäuser Verlag
Fri 07.11.2014, 17:00-23:59

Urban Density and Atmosphere – Vienna and other Central European Cities
© Stadt Wien, MA 41, Stadtvermessung
Opening address:
Anke Beck, Managing Director, De Gruyter / Birkhäuser
Josef Kaiser, Vice Chancellor, University of Applied Arts Vienna
Dietmar Eberle, ETH Zurich
Urban Density and Atmosphere – Vienna and other Central European Cities
The ongoing disappearance of open space and increasing roadway traffic have generated heated debate concerning optimal levels of urban density.
Urban planners have lacked concrete data and sound insights about which forms of development create the most livable urban space.