Panel Discussion
The Third Achleitner
Discussion and book presentation

The Third Achleitner
© Lukas Beck
in German
“Here at last!”: the third volume of the architecture guidebook by Friedrich Achleitner. The compilation of relevant 20th century building closes impressively with this last volume, which is on Vienna. In his painstaking field research Friedrich Achleitner is not solely concerned with the presentation of so-called ‘modern’ architecture but also with describing a wide range of phenomena in the history of architecture. He is not only interested in architecture in an academic or art historical context but also in the buildings of “everyday need” to the extent that culture historical information can be read from them. Otto Kapfinger, Barbara Neubauer, Dietmar Steiner and Friedrich Achleitner explore the recipe for success behind this lifetime achievement in a conversation with Stephan Templ.
7pm Hannes Pflaum, president of the Az W, welcome address
7.10pm Andreas Mailath-Pokorny, Executive Counsellor for Culture and Science
7.20pm Herwig Bitsche, publishing director of Residenz Verlag
7.30pm panel discussion with:
Friedrich Achleitner, architecture expert
Otto Kapfinger, architecture critic
Barbara Neubauer, Federal Monuments Office
Dietmar Steiner, director of the Az W
Moderated by Stephan Templ, journalist
(Admission free)