sundays excursions, again and again
brief statements — jubilee celebrations for 200 sundays tours

sundays excursions, again and again
© Az W
The sundays tours have been guiding participants to the most interesting architectural arenas, to new buildings along the current urban development axes as well as to historic milestones in Vienna and its surroundings and further afield. A regular programme, always well informed and up to date in architectural matters but also covering specific topics with continuity, does not just encourage local participation nor merely convey new perspectives of their environment to specialists. The sundays tours’ uniqueness lies not least in the organisation of indoor tours of all sites and personal presentations by the architects concerned in situ.
Brief statements by a broad selection of sundays excursionists provide the overture to a roaring party in celebration of the 200th sundays tour.
brief statements (in German)
Dietmar Steiner: Das Wort zum sonntag
Marion Kuzmany: 200 besondere sonntage
Brigitte Redl-Manhartsberger: Die Erfindung des sonntags
Robert Temel: Bauvisiten und sonntags
Herbert Lachmayer: Flaneur und Flaneuse als Stadtforscher
Friedrich Achleitner: Schauen, Gehen, Reden
Otto Kapfinger: Vor Ort — gute Lage, etymologische Mikrostudie
August Sarnitz: Marmor und Schokolade
Oliver Schürer: Tanz die Atmosphäre
Christa Veigl: sonntags fährt nicht mit der Kutsche
Henrieta Moravčíková: Da und drüben — alles für Architektur
Utz Purr: Warum ich so viele Fragen stelle
Philipp Benisch: sonntags-Erlebnis
Marlies Breuss: Intime Einblicke
Martin Kunath and Birgit Trenkwalder: Das dritte Prinzip
Heike Stuckstedde: Architektur im Tourismus — ein Ornament?
Elke Krasny: Im Gehen Sehen
moderated by Marion Kuzmany
immersive sonntags projections by Virtual DynamiX, drinks + snacks
admission free