
sundays 253: designsafari 7

Sun 09.10.2011, 13:45-17:30

sundays 253: designsafari 7
© section.d, Parabol

For the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK 2011’s focus on the 2nd District of Vienna, the sonntags design safari visits two studios and a gallery in Leopoldstadt. section.a ( and section.d (design.communication) present what exchanges between Fine Art, design and commerce can yield. LIQUIFER Systems give a guided tour of their most recent projects in the new design galaxies.

* 253-01 section.a / section.d, Vienna-Leopoldstadt: studio visit, presentation
* 253-02 Fett+Zucker / Eva Trimmel, Wien Leopoldstadt: Geschäftsbesichtigung, optional Café+Kuchen
* 253-03 LIQUIFER Systems Group, Vienna-Leopoldstadt: studio visit, presentation

tickets incl. coach, presentations, guided tours. Maximum no. of participants: 25-30

meeting at 1:45pm, Az W shop / dep. at 2pm, Az W driveway / ends at 5.30pm, Obere Donaustraße 97-99

architects, experts, designers: Katharina Boesch, Christine Haupt-Stummer, Andreas Kristof (section.a), Max Haupt-Stummer, Tine Link (section.d) / Barbara Imhof, Waltraut Hoheneder (LIQUIFER Systems Group)

tour guides: Neigungsgruppe Design, Marion Kuzmany

Impressions from the excursion “sundays 253: designsafari 7”, Sunday October 9 2011.

Photos by Kollektiv Fischka