
sundays 243: the school of the future

Sun 06.03.2011, Daily 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM, Wednesdays until 09:00 PM

sundays 243: the school of the future
© AHS Contiweg, Foto: Hertha Hurnaus

The exhibition, conceived by Christian Kühn, Antje Lehn and Renate Stuefer and supplemented in cooperation with the Az W, addresses the interrelationship between the architectural space and teachers and teaching. It provides everybody directly or indirectly involved with education and its spatial requirements with an opportunity to explore the treatment of space playfully in full-scale installations, and to develop their own visions for the school of the future.
Following a tour of the exhibition, the sonntags excursion includes a guided tour by the curators to recent examples in and around Vienna.
The sonntags excursion takes in new examples in the city of Vienna following the curators’ guided tour.

* 243-01 guided tour of the exhibition ‘Flying Classrooms. We Are Creating Schools’ at the Az W
* 243-02 health and care college in the Kaiser-Franz-Josef Spital, Vienna-Favoriten: lichtblau.wagner architekten, 2010
* 243-03 AHS Contiweg, Vienna-Donaustadt: Atelier Heiss, 2010

Tickets include admission to and a guided tour of the exhibition at the Az W, bus transfer and further guided tours

meeting at 1pm, Az W Alte Halle in the exhibition ‘Flying Classrooms. We Are Creating Schools’ / guided tour of the exhibition / departs at 2pm, Az W entranceway / ends at 5pm, Az W
exhibition tour guides: Antje Lehn, Renate Stuefer (the team of curators)
architects, experts: lichtblau.wagner architekten, Elisabeth Breiteneder (director, Krankenpflegeschule) / Michael Thomas (Atelier Heiss), Monika Auböck (director, AHS Contiweg)
tour guide: Gudrun Hausegger

Photos from the excursion “sundays 243: the school of the future”, March 6, 2011.