sundays 240: a sunday on public space

sundays 240: a sunday on public space
© Paul Weihs / parklife: Peter Fattinger (design-build studio/tu-wien)
To mark the 10th jubilee of the European Urban Public Space Award, organised by the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, the Az W presents the exhibition ‘Platz da! European Urban Public Space’, which shows the winning projects from the competition alongside further positions that address the ambivalence, negotiation and appropriation of public space.
Following a guided tour of the exhibition the sonntags excursion explores special examples of simple multiple usage in public space in Vienna on a guided tour by Jutta Kleedorfer.
* 240-01 ‘Platz da! European Urban Public Space’, Architekturzentrum Wien
* 240-02 the cages, Gaudenzdorfer Gürtel, play area: basketball cage
* 240-03 former Anker bread factory, Vienna-Favoriten
* 240-04 parklife, Vienna-Donaustadt: Peter Fattinger (design-build studio/Vienna University of Technology)
* 240-05 die Waggons, Vienna-Floridsdorf
* 240-06 ‘underground’ playground, Vienna-Floridsdorf
* 240-07 wagenplatz and empty ground floor premises, according to the current stand
tickets include coach rides, admission and guided tour by the curator at the Az W
meeting at 1.30pm, Az W Old Hall, in the exhibition ‘Platz da! European Urban Public Space’
guided tour of the exhibition
departure at 2.15pm, Az W entranceway
ends at 6.30pm, Az W
architects, experts:
Jutta Kleedorfer (project coordination for multipurpose use, MA 18)
Peter Fattinger (design-build studio/Vienna University of Technology)
guided tour of the exhibition: Andrea Seidling (curator, Az W)
coordination: Marion Kuzmany