sundays 219
urban public space

sundays 219
© Rupert Steiner
The excursion shows examples in Vienna: the new Rudolf-Bednar-Park on the former Nordbahnhofgelände, as one of the largest parks in Vienna, the adjacent revolutionary Bike City housing complex, Monte Laa park at the new urban development in Favoriten and the redesign of the pedestrian zone on Kärntner Strasse.
* 219–01 WHA Bike City, Vienna-Leopoldstadt: königlarch architekten, 2008
* 219–02 Rudolf-Bednar-Park, Vienna-Leopoldstadt: Hager Landschaftsarchitektur, 2008
* 219-03 Park Monte Laa, Vienna-Favoriten: Martha Schwartz, 3:0 Landschaftsarchitektur, 2002-06
* 219–04 Wien City pedestrian zone, Vienna-Inner City: architekt clemens kirsch, 2009
Architects, experts: Claudia König (königlarch architekten), Isolde Rajek (rajek barosch landschaftsarchitektur),
Daniel Zimmermann (3:0 Landschaftsarchitetkur), Clemens Kirsch
Coordination: Marion Kuzmany
Meeting at 02:00 pm, Az W Shop / Bus ends at 05:45 pm at the opera, then walk to Graben, tour ends at 06:30 pm