sundays 209: designsafari prague

sundays 209: designsafari prague
© Hotel Josef
In the framework of sundays, during the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK (2-12 Oct.) the second Designsafari provides the opportunity to visit to the “designblok 08”, which is taking place at the same time in Prague. Above and beyond this, the tour takes in milestones of Prague architecture, such as the Müller House, and explores modern implants in refreshing walks through the historic old city, starting from the base station of the inspiring design of the Hotel Josef.
Hotel Josef: Eva Jiricna, 2002 / city tour: prestige house: Antonín Balšánek and Osvald Polívka, 1903 / Myslbek department store, Am Graben: Kerel, Hölzel, Parent, 1992 / Bata department store, 1928 / Palác Euro on Wenceslas Square: Dolezal, Malinky, Burian, among others, 2002 / Hotel Metropol, Nationalstrasse: chalupa architekti, d u m architekti, 2007 / National Theatre: Josef Zítka, 1867 / Neue Szene, Gama, Prager, Libensky, 1981 / bookshop in the architects’ club, Betlemsplatz / evening meal in the Století restaurant, Prague 1
city tour: Muzo Centre, Praha 10-Strasnice: D3A, 2004 / Ginger and Fred: Frank Gehry, 1996 / Zlaty Andel Building: Jean Nouvel, 2000 / walk through the historic buildings and modern interventions in the Prague Hradcany Castle; conversion under Josef Plecnik, 1920 / Orangery: Eva Jiricna, 1999 / passage through the Prasny Bridge: Josef Pleskot, i.a., 2002; Malá Strana, Charles Bridge / midday meal in the Hotel Imperial, J. Benedikt, Jan Benes, 1913 / “designblok 08” design fair: visit to the events, exhibitions and showrooms in the Superstudio Corso and the Superstudio Dox: 3DH, Vitra, Bulb, Konsepti, Kubista, UP zavody, and much more / evening meal in the Molo restaurant, 22, Prague Holesovice
Cubist Museum in the Black Madonna House: Josef Gocár, 1912 / midday meal in the Grand Café Orient / bus journey through the Baba estate 1928-1932 / Haus Müller: Adolf Loos, 1930 / closing party of the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK in the Bombay Sapphire Lounge in Vienna
tickets, including rail journey 2nd class, two nights and breakfast in the Hotel Josef (, two evenings and two midday meals (excl. drinks), bus journeys and public transport in Prague. Admission to the Designblok, all museums, Müller House and guided tours. On receipt of your written reservation you will be sent a bill and a bank transfer slip. The reservations are binding and subject to the general cancellation terms (see overleaf). Maximum participants: 25.
Close of registration: 19 Sept. 2008
The Lomographic Society International provides lomographic cameras for sundays 209 participants. The results of the analogue snapshots will be presented on and in the planned VIENNA DESIGN WEEK Review.
local architects, experts, tour guides
consul: Annette Ahrens
Designblok tour guide: Jana Zielinsky
excursion head: Marion Kuzmany
meeting place Friday 9:45 Südbahnhof platform 01-09
departure 10:04 Wien Südbahnhof
arrival 14:25 Prague Holesovice
return Sunday departure 17:33 Prague Holesovice
arrival 20:30 Wien Südbahnhof
open end at the closing party of the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK in Vienna