
sundays 198

floridsdorf is flourishing 2: bus+wine

Sun 25.11.2007, 12:30-17:00

sundays 198
© Paul Ott

This tour will be presented in German, supplementary information in English offered.

Meeting point: Architekturzentrum Wien info stand

The sundays excursion takes us from the car park to the high-end winery, through flourishing Floridsdorf. The impressive elongated cubage has been erected on the former grounds of the Leopoldau gasworks as a depot for 230 busses of architectural beauty.

The rich Triassic limestone soil of Bisamberg not only produces the local Vollmondwein but has also produced formally perfect vineyards dominated by the terroir.

* 198-01 Leopoldau coach car park, Vienna-Floridsdorf
fasch&fuchs, 2006

* 198-02 Christ winery, Vienna-Floridsdorf
raum-werk-stadt, 2005

Architects and experts:
Rainer Christ
Guided tour by Marion Kuzmany

Meeting at 12.30pm at the Az W info stand / departure at 12.45pm from the Az W gateway / return at 5pm

Impressions from the excursion ‘sundays 198
floridsdorf is flourishing 2: bus+wine’, Sunday, Nov. 25 2007.