
sundays 195

housing – innovation in vienna 5: nine=twelve

Booked up
Sun 07.10.2007, 14:00-17:00

sundays 195
© Marion Kuzmany

This tour will be presented in German, supplementary information in English offered.

Meeting point: Architekturzentrum Wien info stand

High-density housing on the urban periphery is the core issue addressed by this innovative housing development prototype based on a master plan by Adolf Krischanitz. Nine international architects were invited to submit plans for the subsidised housing development here. The project is based on a close collaboration with industry and the resulting technically advantageous use of materials as well as the architectural quality of the space in the highest possible density to the overall development.

*195-01 9=12 prototype housing, Vienna-Penzing, 2007
House #1: Peter Märkli
House #2a: Adolf Krischanitz
House #3: Hans Kollhoff
House #4: Otto Steidle
House #5: Marcel Meili
House #6: Roger Diener
House #7: Heinz Tesar
House #8: Max Dudler
House #9: Hermann Czech

Meeting at 1.45pm at the Az W info stand / departure at 2pm from the Az W gateway / return at 5pm

Architects and experts: Hermann Czech, Patrick Fessler (Atelier Krischanitz), Heinz Tesar, Michael Pech (Österreichisches Siedlungswerk AG), Thomas Scharf (GSG Gesellschaft für Stadtentwicklung)
Guided tour by Ylva Haberlandt

Impressions from the excursion sundays 195: ‘housing – innovation in vienna 5: nine=twelve’, Sunday, Oct. 7 2007.