
sundays 178

wine-art and garden-scapes

Sun 24.09.2006, 13:45-20:30

sundays 178
© Foto: Zita Oberwalder / Wein-Kunst-Garten, Langenlois: Gedankenwelle: ko a la

Meandering between vines along nine stations of art – abstract representations of the vintner’s thoughts while working – a path leads from Bründlmayer vineyard to the Loisium hotel on a journey of discoveries. High up on Käferberg, with the Kamp valley spread at one’s feet, an untitled sculpture beside the carfeully terrassed bower inspires the minds of wine-lovers and art-lovers alike.

* 178-01 wine-art-garden, Langenlois: Gedankenwelle: ko a la (kutscha oberwalder architektur und landschaft) / street of wine cellars: F. X. Ölzant, 2006
* 178-02 Käferberg landscape-art-garden, Langenlois: wine bower: Auböck + Kárász, 2006 / sculpture “Untitled:” Heimo Zobernig, 2005

The ticket price includes wine and snacks at the Bründlmayer wine garden.

Architects, experts:
Robert Kutscha (ko a la)
Franz Xaver Ölzant
Maria Auböck, Janos Kárász
Wilhelm Bründlmayer
Tour guide: Marion Kuzmany

Meeting point 1:45 pm at the Az W-Shop / return 8:30 pm

Impressions from the excursion sundays 178: wine-art and garden-scapes