
sundays 173

home looks like this (VIII)

Booked up
Sun 07.05.2006, 13:45-18:30

sundays 173
© Rupert Steiner

Whether swimming or heating, green concepts serve here as a trigger for the architectural realisation: the pond for swimming in front of the office has refreshed a number of Weidling workdays, a green heating system – masterly planning under the garden with its pond – will soon see the Baroque halls of Stift Klosterneuburg toasty warm.

Finely crafted in a tiny space, or simple elegant white with a glinting pool make living comfortable in Klosterneuburg and Korneuburg.

* 173-01 B!otop office, workshops and park, Weidling: Georg W. Reinberg, 2003 / garden planning: Anna Detzlhofer
* 173-02 Biowärme – Teichgartencalvario, Stift Klosterneuburg: Heinz Tesar, 2006
* 173-03 Kleingartenhaus Walter Jacobs, Klosterneuburg: cp architektur, 2006
* 173-04 haus n, Korneuburg: synn architekten, 2002

Architects and Landscape Architects:
Georg W. Reinberg, Anna Detzlhofer, Peter Petrich (Biotop Landschaftsgestaltung GmbH)
Heinz Tesar
Christian Prasser (cp architektur)
Michael Neumann (synn architekten)
Tour guide: Irene Prieler

Some impressions from the sold out excursion sundays 173.