sundays 143
innovative living in vienna

sundays 143
sundays will visit three different types of apartment buildings, thematically connected by innovative ideas to improve the quality of living and life style. Specifically, the three buildings demonstrate progressive floor-plans in public housing complexes, the implementation of socially integrative ideas and the focus on designs to maximize use of natural light. The three architects, all of whom also have experience as designers, demonstrate their skills with both small and large-scale projects.
* Apartment complex Vorgartenstraße, Vienna Leopoldstadt district: Carl Auböck, Hoch & Rössler, 1962
* Apartment complex “Integratives Wohnen,” Vienna Simmering district: Michael Schluder, 2004
* Apartment complex Siccardsburggasse, Vienna Favoriten district: Patricia Zacek, 2003
Meeting point: 1:45 pm Architekturzentrum Wien – Shop / departure 2:00 pm / return 6:00 pm
Tickets: EUR 12.- (students EUR 8.-)
Architects: Carl Auböck, Michael Schluder, Patricia Zacek
Tour Guide: Gudrun Hausegger