Summer Tour
Summer Tour 2: Dawn of Modernism – 25 June
Wagner, Loos and Their Time

Summer Tour 2: Dawn of Modernism – 28 May
in German
From May to September the Architekturzentrum Wien offers 10 Vienna City Walks to architecture of the last 100 years.
The beginning of the 20th century in Vienna was a period of change and renewal. Individuals like Otto Wagner and Adolf Loos hallmark this time on the cusp between Historicism and Modernism. This guided tour leads you from the Postal Savings Bank via the American Bar and on to the Loos House on Michaelerplatz and shows the gems of pioneering architecture of this unique epoch.
Summer Tours are held regardless of the weather with 3 participants or more. Guided tours are in German.
dates: Saturday 28 May, 25 June, 23 July, 20 Aug., 17 Sept.