Az W on Site

Studio Visits in the framework of the Vienna Art Week

Visits to selected architects’ studios

Booked up
Fri 21.11.2014, 14:00-18:00

Studio Visits in the framework of the Vienna Art Week
© querkraft

In connection with the current debate on high-rise buildings in Vienna this year’s studio visits bring participants to architects who have built or are erecting high-rise buildings. As well as seeing a presentation of current work the visitors can gain exclusive insights into the different designers’ way of working.

Meeting point: 1.45pm, Az W Shop

2pm: shuttlebus departs
2.15 – 3pm: querkraft architekten
3.30 – 4.15pm: henke und schreieck Architekten
4.45 – 5.30pm: pool Architektur
6pm: return to the Az W

Presenter: Anneke Essl Az W
Max. 30 persons

Reservations required: T +43 1 522 31 15 or

In connection with the current debate on high-rise buildings in Vienna this year’s studio visits bring participants to architects who have built or are erecting high-rise buildings. As well as seeing a presentation of current work the visitors can gain exclusive insights into the different designers’ way of working.

# querkraft architekten
# henke und schreieck Architekten
# pool Architektur

Presenter: Anneke Essl Az W