Studio Visits
for Vienna Art Week

The office of studio urbanek, Schottenfeldgasse 72
© photograph: studio urbanek
Studio urbanek and feld72 are opening the doors to their offices for Vienna Art Week. They provide an insight into their approaches and talk about standardisation and organisation as architectural challenges.

The office of feld72 Josefstädter Straße
© photograph: Hertha Hurnaus
What both offices have in common is their interdisciplinary work, their focus on research, on housing issues and on the (social) conditions on site: “…thinking the small in the big — and the big in the small” (Katharina Urbanek).
What they also have in common is their office address. Number 72 Schottenfeldgasse, an early reinforced concrete building, attracts numerous innovative architecture offices with its impressive spatial structures. The office of feld72 has grown, and their premises have expanded into a 1970s building in Josefstadt.
Ateliers: studio urbanek and feld72
With: Katharina Urbanek and feld72
Moderated by: Maria Welzig, Az W