Panel discussion at the Opening
Stadt des Kindes: A Project Confronts Its History
Supporting programme for the exhibition 'Stadt des Kindes: On A Failed Utopia'

Anton Schweighofer, Stadt des Kindes, 1140 Vienna, 1969–1974 Spiel-, Wohnhof (playground & residential courtyard)
© Architekturzentrum Wien Collection
For the Opening of SammlungsLab #2 we pose the question: what became of the lost paradise Stadt des Kindes?
Like many architects of the 1970s, Anton Schweighofer was convinced of the socio-political function of architecture. Stadt des Kindes was an attempt to use architecture as an expression of progressive educational concepts to improve residents’ prospects for the future. We pursue the history of the project with an interdisciplinary panel, and ask ourselves to what extent architecture can be considered to reflect and provide hope for a socio-political shift.
Guest speakers:
Marco Antoniazzi, film director
Christian Kühn, Institute of Architecture and Design, Vienna University of Technology
Anton Schweighofer, architect
Peter Weber, architect
Gudrun Wolfgruber, historian
Moderated by Monika Platzer, Az W