SPLITTERWERK: Whoop to the Duck!
Austrian contribution to the 6th Sao Paolo Architecture Biennale – Fragments of an exhibition for Vienna

The exhibition: SPLITTERWERK: Es lebe die Ente!
© Architekturzentrum Wien, photograph: Pez Hejduk
Book presentation and opening: 08 March 2006, from 7 p.m.
Under the title ‘ Living in the City’ the 6th Architecture Biennale in Sao Paolo (2005) presented positions on current and future forms of urban living. Austria was represented by the Graz-based practice SPLITTERWERK. Their contribution ‘Es lebe die Ente!’ (Whoop to the Duck!) spanned an area extending from model realisations of new housing concepts to the return of ornament and to urban planning concepts for our ‘post-urban society’. The ‘duck’ criticised by Venturi and Rauch is here revived in a very different fashion.
The Architekturzentrum Wien shows selected fragments of the Biennale exhibition with a commentary in the form of a photographic essay by Paul Ott. In addition to a short report on the Sao Paolo Biennale, the current monograph SPLITTERWERK: Whoop to the Duck! Es lebe die Ente! will also be presented at the opening. Using the example of the multi-storey residential building, Schwarzer Laubfrosch (1998-2004), and the conversion of the organisational and administrative headquarters of ÖGFA (Austrian Society for Architecture) curator Angelika Fitz and SPLITTERWERK will discuss with clients themes such as aspirations, possibilities and experience values in dealing with innovative spatial concepts.
Podium participants:
Franz Brugner, client
Angelika Fitz, curator
Christian Kühn, architecture critic
SPLITTERWERK, label for art and architecture
With a photographic essay by Paul Ott; curated by Angelika Fitz
With the kind support of Austroflex, Böhler-Udderholm AG and wko – go international.
Tip: in the context of the series “Young Architecture” organised by architektur in progress a lecture on the work of SPLITTERWERK will be given on 07.03.06 at 7 p.m. Location: Zumtobel Staff Lichtforum, 1010 Vienna, Jasomirgottstr. 3-5