Film screenings, factory tours, walks
Simmering works

Film still from Zwischen Simmering und Favoriten
© photograph: Karoline Mayer
Vienna is growing, and next to the key question of where future Viennese residents should live, the question of where they should earn their living is even more pressing.
The city cannot be reduced to housing and consumption. Production has always been a major element of any town or city, and a prerequisite for a functioning labour market that has the capacity for less qualified people and for immigrants, enabling them to rise socially. However places of production are under great pressure in a town or city that is growing.
The Simmering Works festival wanders through the district. Film screenings, lectures, discussions and city walks are held in and around active industrial firms, on the topic of The Future of Production and Work in the Growing City. The aim is to create an awareness that production should not be risked lightly.
Curators: Karoline Mayer and Marlene Rutzendorfer
Fri 13.09
Coffee factory, Diesel building, 51 Grillgasse trade park, 1110 Vienna
17:00 Walk: Autoschrauber car mechanic workshop, Kaffeeröster coffee roasters and a logistics centre: Grillgasse and Werkstättenweg*
With Barbara Brosenbauer, vienna business districts, Manager Ost
18:30 Factory tour: coffee factory*
19:30 Film programme:
This is Coffee. R.: The Coffee Brewing Institute, 12’, USA 1961. Engl. OV
Tue 17.09
Mautner Markhof Feinkost GmbH, 39-41 Mautner-Markhof-Gasse, 1110 Vienna
13:00–15:00 Factory tour: Mautner Markhof Feinkost GmbH***
Fri 27.09
Bezirksmuseum Simmering, 2 Enkplatz, 1110 Vienna
17:00 Guided tour of the exhibition:
‘Vom Schiffskanal zum CityAirportTrain. Der Wiener Neustädter Kanal und die Eisenbahnen’ (From shipping canal to the CityAirportTrain. The Wiener Neustädter canal and railways) with curator Johannes Hradecky
18:30 Lecture: Mike Clarke, expert on the history of industry and canals, UK
Sat 28.09
Bezirksmuseum Simmering, 2 Enkplatz, 1110 Vienna
15:00 Walk: De-industrialised: the Mautner-Markhof grounds and the Hörbiger grounds*
With Johannes Hradecky and Petra Leban, Bezirksmuseum Simmering
and Martin Skrivanek, Gebietsbetreuung Ost
18:30 Film programme:
Short film programme on an attitude to work, Eine Einstellung zur Arbeit, D.: various film-makers
Zwischen Simmering und Favoriten. D.: Karoline Mayer, 75’, AT 2019. OV in German
20:00 Sing-along: Wienerlieder evening with Architectural relevance
With Cornelia Mayer (zither) and Marlies Krug-Rietz (voice)
So 29.09.
Bezirksmuseum Simmering, Enkplatz 2, 1110 Wien
18:30 Film programme:
Posledniy Limuzin (The Last Limousine). D.: Daria Khlestkina, 74’, RUS/D 2014. OV with English subtitles
Wed 09.10
Architekturzentrum Wien, 1 Museumsplatz, 1070 Vienna
19:00 A Good City Needs Industry
lectures and discussion:
Mark Brearley, CEO of Kaymet Metal Trays and professor, The Cass, London
Ulrike Steven, what if: projects, London
followed by a discussion with experts from Vienna
Fri 11.10
ebswien main wastewater treatment plant, 7 Haidequerstrasse, 1110 Vienna
14:00–16:00 Walk:
What keeps Vienna going? water supply and treatment facilities around Haidequerstrasse in Simmering*
16:00–18:00 Guided tour:
ebswien main wastewater treatment plant**
schloR, 26 Rappachgasse, 1110 Vienna
18:30 Film programme:
La sirène de Faso Fani. D.: Michel K. Zongo, 89’, F/BF/D/KAT 2015. OV with English subtitles
Sat 12.10
schloR, Rappachgasse 26, 1110 Vienna
17:30 Guided tour: schloR: Arbeiten und Wohnen (working and living)
18:30 Film programme:
Über die Jahre (over the years). D.: Nikolaus Geyrhalter, AT 2015, 99’. OV in German
* Reservations and meeting point information from Maximum 25 participants
** Not for children under 10, bring stout shoes.
*** Reservations and meeting point information from Maximum 12 participants