Serial Construction meets Vienna’s Social Housing
A symposium by the Az W and IBA_Wien

SMAQamPARK, SMAQ GmbH (ARTEC Architekten, wup_wimmerundpartner, raum & kommunikation), Berresgasse, Vienna, AT, autumn 2019
© 2018 ZOOMVP
Serial and modular construction are a hot topic once again as social changes, like refugee movements, but also the continuing interior migration or altered lifestyles, are leading to a rising demand for living space in many towns and cities. How can a rich variety of high quality living space be created quickly and economically?
In cooperation with der IBA_Vienna New Social Housing, the international symposium explores whether and how the planning of prototypes for serial production could become an instrument for creating housing in the near future. Does a high level of standardisation save time and reduce expenditure? Can it fulfil the central conditions and requirements for housing developments: urban variability, compact apartment floor plans, barrier-free homes, energy efficient and sustainable building concepts, architectural quality and living comfort? To this end, we look back into history, but also take a look at new technological developments such as digitisation and Industry 4.0. How do these impact on the concepts and production?
Together with local and international experts, we investigate the most important issues — from legal and design issues to social, technical and construction logistics issues. Architects from current best-practice examples report on their experiences, opportunities and obstacles. The aim of the symposium is to filter out whether serial construction methods can make a contribution to “new social housing” in the future.
10:00 Welcome address: Angelika Fitz, Architekturzentrum Wien; Kathrin Gaál, Executive City Councillor for Housing, Housing Construction, Urban Renewal and Women’s Issues, Vienna
Morning block
Moderated by Sonja Pisarik
10:30 Julia Gill (DE), Architect, Berlin
Serial Construction — Individual Homes
Strategies of Standardisation in Multi-Storey Housing Construction
11:00 Markus Lechner (DE), Technical University of Munich
Building with Foresight — Development of a Building Block System for Low-Cost Multi-Storey Housing Construction
11:30 Christoph Eichler (AT), ODE office for digital engineering
The Significance of Industry 4.0 for Serial Housing Construction
12:00 Ingeborg Esser (DE), GF GdW Bundesverband deutscher Wohnungs- und Immobilienunternehmen
The German Framework Agreement on Serial and Modular Construction — an Example for Austria?
12:30 Lunch break
The Panel
Moderated by Franziska Leeb
14:00 Walter Bäuml, Technical Division Manager, STRABAG AG
Barbara Fritsch-Raffelsberger (AT), Head of the Family Housing Department
Brigitte Jilka (AT), Executive Director of Construction, City of Vienna
Winfried Kallinger (AT), Kallinger Projekte
Johannes Kaufmann (AT), Johannes Kaufmann Architektur
Verena Mörkl (AT), SUPERBLOCK Architekten
Silvia Hofer (AT), Leiterin der Gruppe Liegenschaftsmanagement und Projektentwicklung wohnfonds_wien
Hannes Stangl (AT), board director, Sozialbau AG
16:00 Break
Aftrernoon block
Moderated by Franziska Leeb
16:30 National:
Double lecture
Bettina Götz, Artec Architekten (AT), Vienna
with Senka Nikolic, Bauträger Schwarzatal (AT), Vienna
From the Serial to the Special
17:00 Doppelvortrag
Christian Leitner (AT), CEO of Lukas Lang Building Technologies GmbH, with David Krestan (AT), Project Development and Order Processing Management, WGA ZT GmbH
Serial and Modular Construction — Winning Projects from the EU-Wide Competition
17:30 International:
Wojtek Kotecki, BBGK ARCHITEKCI (PL)
Sprzeczna 4, a Manifesto of Modern Prefabrication
18:00 Break
Keynote Speech
18:30 Welcome address Angelika Fitz, Architekturzentrum Wien; Kurt Hofstetter, IBA_Vienna
18:45 Werner Sobek, Werner Sobek Group (DE)
“We have to change how we build.”
Concept: Sonja Pisarik, Az W Curator