Az W on Site
Ready for occupancy 2014: Sonnwendviertel

Ready for occupancy 2014: Sonnwendviertel
In the context of the series “Bezugsfertig” (ready for occupancy), which in autumn 2014 devotes two of its events to the Sonnwendviertel district (education campus Sonnwendviertel on 22.10. and WOHN_ZIMMER Sonnwendviertel on 26.11.), the Az W offers a tour of these projects during which both architects and users can have their say.
Meeting point: 12.45 pm, U1 Station Keplerplatz / Ausgang Raaber-Bahn-Gasse
1pm: WOHN_ZIMMER Sonnwendviertel
studiovlay // Lina Streeruwitz, Klaus Kada, Riepl Kaufmann Bammer Architektur
4pm: Bildungscampus Sonnwendviertel, PPAG architects
Guided tours given by the architects
Presenter: Anneke Essl Az W
Max. 35 persons
Reservations required: T +43 1 522 31 15 or