Reading: The Architect‘s Words. Bogdan Bogdanović as a Writer
Wolfram Berger reads excerpts from the writings of Bogdan Bogdanović

Reading: The Architect‘s Words. Bogdan Bogdanović as a Writer
© B. Fuchs
(in German)
The author will be present.
For Bogdan Bogdanović the link between language and
architecture is of key significance. Refined in style and with profound reflections on the symbolism and the fate of the town, he still expresses himself as a poet in his numerous books.
’The Doomed Architect‘, the extended memoirs of the true Belgrader and monument architect, as well as ’The Green Box‘, an annotated selection of dream notes from the late 1980s and early 1990s, provide insight into this instructive free spirit, who has remained loyal to some of the principles of his surrealist youth. They also show a dedicated humanist who deployed the written word to oppose the destructive madness during the wars in the former Yugoslavia.
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