Panel Discussion
Public Lecture 1: The Urban Space Adventure

Public Lecture 1: The Urban Space Adventure
© Martina Frühwirth
in German
What, and above all who, determines the quality of life in a modern town? The interplay between infrastructure like refuse, water, mobility, communication, barrier freedom and safety are only a few of the topics reflected in the everyday functioning of the urban fabric. The public space as an arena for political powerplay is more topical today than ever. Vienna is different (‘Wien ist anders’) is the apt advertising slogan for the capital city. The planning of urban space is discussed by a panel, showing the perspectives of the decision-makers and the users.
7pm Dietmar Steiner, director of the Az W, welcome address
7.10pm panel discussion with: Margit Grassinger, head of department for the planning and building of parks
Sabine Gretner, local councillor. Vienna
Clemens Kirsch, architect
Ursula Stenzel, council chairperson, Vienna Inner City