Emerging Architecture 3 - Kommende Architektur 3
Beyond Architainment
Each volume of the 'Emerging Architecture' series presents 10 teams of a younger generation in Austria. The third selection complements…
Beyond Architainment
Presentation #1: Emerging Architecture 3
As a supplement to the exhibition ‘Emerging Architecture 3 – Kommende Architektur 3’, on three evenings the participating architects (teams) are presenting and discussing current buildings and projects.
Presentation #1
pool, Vienna
Moderation: Otto Kapfinger
Admission Free!
The following presentations:
Presentation #2
Friday, February 14, 2003, 7:00 P.M.
Moderation: Otto Kapfinger
PPAG Anna Popelka Georg Poduschka, Vienna
one room huber/meinhart, Salzburg
Feyferlik / Fritzer, Graz
Presentation #3
Friday, March 07, 2003, 7:00 P.M.
Moderation: Otto Kapfinger
AllesWirdGut, Vienna
riccione, Innsbruck
franz sam, Krems / Vienna
weichlbauer / ortis, Frohnleiten