A prizewinning social housing development from Brussels
To accompany the exhibition 'Europe's best Buildings'

MSA Architects aus Brüssel, Preisträger*innen des Emerging Architect Awards beim Mies van der Rohe Award 2017
© photograph: Danny Willems
Jean-Marc Simon from the MSA architecture office provides, among other things, insights into the Navez project, current winner of the Mies van der Rohe Emerging Architect Award.
The Navez apartment building has 5 social apartments for families with many children and low incomes, and is a landmark project on one of the access routes to Brussels intended to give the district a new image. The team of architects MSA and V + have had an exemplary impact with this apartment building project, both in terms of its positioning in the urban fabric and its architectural design. Imaginative responses to the economic and structural constraints have guaranteed generous apartments with plenty of freedom of movement and superb views of the surrounding landscape. Alongside the current Mies van der Rohe Award-winning project, Jean-Maec Simon introduces other large- and small-scale projects by the MSA office.
A cooperation by the Az W with Wallonie-Bruxelles Architectures
Jean-Marc Simon, MSA Architects, Brussels