Postmoderne at its best
Hollein's Köhlergasse School

Hans Hollein, Köhlergasse elementary school, Vienna, 1979–1990, the entrance situation
on Köhlergasse, working model
© photograph: working model, Archiv Hans Hollein, Az W and MAK, Vienna
To accompany the exhibition 'Hollein Calling. Architectural Dialogues' we pay a visit to one of the most complex buildings by Hollein in Vienna.
In 1977 Hollein was commissioned with one of the first full-day state schools in Vienna. The steep, narrow site rises from a dense Gründerzeit development on Gentzgasse to a more cottage-like ambience up above. Hollein reacted to the situation with a repertoire of different basic structures, striking roofs and differentiated open-air spaces. An architectural promenade for children that stimulates the imagination. How does the school function 33 years after its completion and under a different approach to teaching, and how does the building impact on the urban fabric today?
With: Benni Eder and Theresa Krenn, architects/curators; Michaela Judtmann, director of the GTVS Köhlergasse school
Moderated by: Maria Welzig, Az W