No Place. Nowhere. Migration policy in Europe
Annual meeting of Architektur ohne Grenzen Austria?

No Place. Nowhere. Migration policy in Europe
© Michele Borzoni / Riace
A cooperative undertaking by Architektur ohne Grenzen Austria and the IG Architektur with the Az W
Welcome address:
Dietmar Steiner, Director Az W
Suzie Wong, Architektur ohne Grenzen Austria
Lectures given by:
Florian Trauner, Institut für europäische Integrationsforschung, University of Vienna
Nina Jessenko, ZEBRA–Interkulturelles Beratungs- und Therapiezentrum, project: Zusammenleben in Quartier und Gemeinde
Jochen Hoog, AG3, Publikation: “endlich.österreich” – GrenzRäume Asyl
Johanna Aufner, AllesWirdGut ZT GmbH, project: magdas HOTEL
Group discussion with:
Johanna Aufner, AllesWirdGut ZT GmbH
Nina Jessenko, ZEBRA–Interkulturelles Beratungs- und Therapiezentrum
Jochen Hoog, AG3, Publikation: “endlich.österreich” – GrenzRäume Asyl
Franz Denk, IG Architektur
Florian Trauner, Institut für europäische Integrationsforschung, University of Vienna
moderated by: Josef Broukal, journalist
Increasing migration to Europe is one the major themes in the media these days. The risks that refugees encounter while trying to make their way to Europe, their precarious situation and the problem of housing them in accommodation that is often grossly inadequate have repeatedly given rise to confrontations and debates. While, apart from applying an increasingly rigorous closed-door policy, the European Union has so far failed to find an adequate answer, the number of initiatives that are searching for concrete solutions at local level is growing constantly. In cooperation with IG Architektur and the Architekturzentrum Wien, in the context of its annual meeting Architektur ohne Grenzen Austria is organising a discussion on joint proactive strategies at European level.
Admission free!
This event will held be in German.