Panel Discussion
Mr and Mrs Gardener

Mr and Mrs Gardener
© Elke Krasny
welcome address: Dietmar Steiner, director Az W
short lectures:
Maria Auböck, landscape designer
Herbert Binder, resident in a garden settlement house
Yara Coca-Dominguez, Gartenpolylog association
Martina Eichberger, resident in an allotment garden house
Bernhard Seyringer, communications expert
Una Steiner, architecture researcher
Norbert Thaler, thaler.thaler architekten
Michael Zinganel & Michael Hieslmair, artists
followed by a discussion
moderated by: Dietmar Steiner, director Az W
The image of the allotment garden today is hotly contested. Prejudices clash with each other: petit-bourgeois idyll, standardised aesthetic, anarchic self-fulfilment, the new delight in greenery but also the rediscovery of self-sufficiency. In Vienna it has been permitted since 1992 to live the entire year in such allotment garden complexes – an Eldorado for young architects and wildly rampant do-it-yourself aesthetics. It is now time to take stock of the current situation.
event in German only
After the event “Mr and Mrs Gardener” the Az W will celebrate its summer party, which has become something of a tradition, with beer, grilled sausages and roasted suckling pig in the intimate courtyard of the Architekturzentrum Wien – very much in the spirit of the “Schrebergarten”, the allotment movement.