Out of the Box ‒ a discussion series

Let’s talk Family

Wed 25.09.2024, 17:30-18:30
b/w photo of interior with plant, fireplace, deckchair and dining table

Carl Auböck, Gallet Residence, Union Town, Pennsylvania, USA, interior view, 1952
© Architekturzentrum Wien, Collection

With Maria Auböck-Kárász, Auböck + Kárász Landscape Architects and Carl Auböck IV, Werkstätte Auböck (Carl Auböck III’s children).

In conversation with the children of Carl Auböck III – Maria Auböck-Kárász and Carl Auböck IV – the cosmopolitan life and work of the family dynasty, which has now been responsible for numerous architectural and design classics for 125 years, is explained.