Lecture with response
LAN Local Architecture Network
IBA_Wien meets Architects #7

LAN Local Architecture Network, Paris, Urban Renovation, Lormont
© Photo: Julien Lanoo
How can large-scale, post-war, modern housing developments be transformed socially, culturally and technologically? The famous Paris office LAN Local Architecture Network is one of the architectural pioneers in the issues concerned.
Their much acclaimed project in the French suburb of Lormont renovates and improves not only the existing building but also places entirely new public spaces between the towers. A park as well as several communal facilities improve the quality of life in a quarter that only takes up about 10% of the district’s surface, but in which 50% of the residents of Lormont live. This and other projects are presented by Umberto Napolitano, co-founder of LAN, in his lecture. Would a Lormont be possible in Vienna?
Lecture: Umberto Napolitano, LAN Local Architecture Network, Paris
Respondence: Silja Tillner, Architektin, Tillner & Willinger ZT GmbH, Wien
Moderated by: Theresa Krenn, studio ederkrenn