
Just build it!

The Buildings of the Rural Studio

Thu 06.03.2003 – Mon 02.06.2003
Exhibition poster

Exhibition poster: Just build it!
© Architekturzentrum Wien, graphic design: LIGA: graphic design

Samuel Mockbee (1944 – 2001) and Dennis K. Ruth founded the Rural Studio in Hale County, Alabama, 10 years ago in order to provide architecture students at Auburn University with the opportunity to realise demanding and sustainable architecture for social purposes as a part of their course of studies. Since then they have completed numerous single-family houses, community centres, churches and sports facilities using recycled and donated materials.

The nature of the practical education it offers and the inherent accompanying sense of social responsibility it incorporates makes this very special architecture college exemplary of a new necessity in architecture. This is the first comprehensive exhibition in Europe to present the work of the Rural Studio.

Opening address:

Dietmar Steiner, Director Architekturzentrum Wien
On the exhibition:
Katharina Ritter, Curator
lecture about the exhibition
Andrew Freear, Co-Direktor ‘Rural Studio’: ’Let’s talk dirty – the legacy of Samuel Mockbee’
Lecture in english


Geschäftsgruppe Stadtentwicklung und Verkehr, Stadt WienWien KulturKunst BundeskanzleramtBundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und KulturUNIQA Versicherungen AG

A couple of views of the exhibition “Just build it! the Buildings of the Rural Studio” in the Neue Halle of the Az W, designed by Nicole Six & Paul Petritsch with Annja Krautgasser.


Rural Studio

Auburn University School of Architecture

Corrugated Construction

auburnruralstudio thesis projects 2001.2002

Akron Senior Center

Further Information on the Rural Studio and Interviews with Samuel Mockbee:

Salon.com People | Samuel Mockbee
Leading authorities – Samuel Mockbee
Building Dreams – An interview with Samuel Mockbee
What architecture can do
Mockbee Southern Genius
Building blocks of change
Samuel Mockbee: A Design for Life
Southern Living: The Rural Studio’s Samuel Mockbee
My Generation | Sam Mockbee, Dream Builder
Mockbee’s Mission: Poetics of Poverty
Warm, Dry, and Noble