Panel Discussion
In what way will we continue building Vienna?
Discussion on the future of architecture policy in Vienna

In what way will we continue building Vienna?
© Volker Dienst
A cooperative undertaking between the platform Baukulturpolitik and the Az W
Group discussion with:
Omar Al-Rawi, city councillor, SPÖ Vienna, works council chairperson STRABAG AG
Stefan Gara, candidate for the city council, Neos Wien Landesteam, businessman
Johann Herzog, FPÖ Vienna
Maria Vassilakou, vice-mayor and vice-governor, executive city councillor for urban planning, traffic and transport, climate protection, energy and public participation, Die Grünen Vienna
Norbert Walter, city councillor, ÖVP Vienna, self-employed
Renate Hammer, architect, spokesperson of the Platform Baukulturpolitik
Chairperson: Rosa Lyon, journalist
In 2002, in the run-up to the general election, the Platform Baukulturpolitik initiated a group discussion on the culture of building. Since then this has become a tradition at both national and regional level and is therefore part of the programme once again this year. The council elections in 2015 will be decisive for the policy of building culture in Vienna: in which direction will the city of Vienna develop, how will citizens be able to exert influence on this development? We want to talk about this with representatives of the Viennese political parties and in this way to help people decide whom they want to vote for.
Admission is free of charge!